emoji Alt-codes for Windows The reason? The three pillars of … Three Fingers Pointing Back at Me. You've been manipulated by the master manipulator, David Stern. Gilbert is projected to be making as much as $2 billion a year off this enterprise. Those franchises that are losing money generate value for the league. We all know what it's like to get caught up in the heat of the moment. Serena called the chair umpire a "loser" and a "hater." Serena's opponent, Samantha Stosur, surprised us all with her mental and physical toughness. When James talks about fights, we think wars, shouting insults as I listen to a 100 people a month, I think a deeply rooted sort of “fighting” is silent. This is the players' position. We need to look at our own sin before we confront others on their sin. The way all three women handled the outburst allowed emotions to cool down rather than erupt further. Serena made an innocent mistake, which she couldn't admit. Stern tantalized with images of a 72-game season and made it seem that if the players rejected the deal, it was all on them. David Stern apparently skipped this lesson in … She was losing. Dreams have been described as dress rehearsals for real life, opportunities to gratify wishes, and a form of nocturnal therapy. The owners are the ones that said they were giving the players their last offer. That's almost a $100 million dip. Regardless of Serena's outburst at the umpire -- and we've all seen players blow up at umpires, from McEnroe to Connors to Serena two years back on the foot fault call -- it was total crap by the USTA to have a player go to sleep that late on the night before a championship final. HTML entites are intended for using on websites. Furthermore, the main reason, ostensibly for the lockout is teams are losing money, and the majority of the teams that are losing money are the "small market" teams, the bulk of which were created under the reign, and at the behest and encouragement, of David Stern. i dont agree with it at all and all people should be scolded for un classy conduct, but seriously men do this type of stuff all the time in sports. She said that she wasn't a "nice person" and was "unattractive inside." Any tips on how to help my team avoid finger-pointing when we face a crisis? “‎When you point your finger at someone, anyone, it is often a moment of judgement. What we do with those painful feelings is what really counts. The owners literally said they were not going to negotiate even further. When you point at someone you have more fingers pointing back at you. Only one of them significantly, and that brings up the other part of the problem. 7 Myths About Narcissistic Personality Disorder, 5 Ways to Test Your Magical Beliefs About Relationships. SO SHUT UP. YOU KNOW THE ANSWER. Stosur swiftly claimed the first set, 6-2, before the fireworks started to fly. For example, the Cleveland Cavaliers took a 26 percent dive in value when LeBron James left. Those are some intense feelings to bear. Meanwhile, Samantha Stosur played a heck of a match. The fancy psychoanalytic term for this unconscious process is projective identification. As I often say to my patients, sometimes pretty good is good enough. Perhaps the umpire could have shut Serena down sooner, but instead, she took the assault without striking back. It’s all Watch Tower Cult loaded language. A champion must have fire in the belly but, as it turns out, Serena had expressed her exuberance too soon, before the point was over and Stosur got her racket on the ball. But as a psychologist and fan of the sport, I'm so glad I did. Bickering over whether this is "millionaires vs. billionaires" is moot because the fact is that this money is being generated and the main reason the owners are seeing their net worth climb is the players, particularly the star players. Furthermore his claim that the players had kept the disbanding option open as a threat is utterly hypocritical. Ironically, the umpire contained her inevitable feelings about being judged so unfairly. 3/12 The fact is most of these owners are seeing their net worth go up, regardless of whether their franchises are operating technically at a loss or profit. When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are pointing at himself. Second, it was the owners who were making threats, "take this offer or you get less.". Perhaps as the dust settles, Serena will be able to look at herself and better understand what happened. Whether it's through increase in value or through non-basketball related income that really is based on the basketball team, teams are making more money than they are letting on. Fire in the belly became a torrent of attack and paranoia. She didn't get to sleep, I'm sure, until 2:00 a.m. or 2:30 a.m. She accused her of being out to get her. When I was young, I learned the expression that whenever you point the finger at someone, there are four pointing back at you. You might just be talking about yourself.". Rest, to these players, is so crucial. She wasn't feeling very nice or attractive. Take Serena Williams at the U.S. Open Women's Final this past Sunday, for example. She probably asleep by 11:00 pm. She not a good example for your article because she’s a brainwashed Jehovah’s Witness. The players are "worth" it because you can draw a straight line from the "worth" of the team to the players. They were all victims of domestic abuse. These joints fall into three common types of osteoarthritis(1). At some point in my childhood, it was impressed upon me that any time you point a finger at someone else, you should remember that you have three fingers pointing back at yourself. If someone stole your wallet, and you accused them of it, then three fingers would be pointing back at you, the victim. The Taylor Swift Hand Heart Hand Sign. Serena held her tongue about that. why is it only a big deal when a women does it? The only way I can get four fingers pointing at myself is to fold my hand in half at the fingers, not into a fist, and point with my thumb!!! By pointing at them, the three fingers that point back at you show that you are not 'pure' and sinless yourself and have no authority to judge someone else. What is the solution to projective identification? Lakers star will undergo MRI on Monday after suffering an Achilles strain (Woj), Nets announce Durant will miss time with mild left hamstring strain. They were purchased in 2000 for $160 million. I watched Serena cream first-seed Caroline Wozniacki in the semi-finals and almost didn't tune in to the final, thinking it might not be much of a game. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. What’s the New Phenomenon Called “COVID Vaccine Arm”? First, why shouldn't they keep all their options open, especially if the owners aren't negotiating in good faith? When I was young, I learned the expression that whenever you point the finger at someone, there are four pointing back at you. I call it the shame relocation plan. I salute you! Usually it is seen in the joints of the fingers, spine, hips, and knees. When you want to indicate that you see things clearly (and/or look like an owl), form two circles with your thumbs and pointer fingers, flip your hands upside down, and put them up to your face. The three finger mean the you will judge your action by the 3 possibilities of judgment, positive, neutral and negative. It is a cold and blustery day. YOU WILL. I'm as smug as the cat that ate the canary! I ended up writing and leading the Bible Study myself. The USTA. There is an old aphorism which says that every time you point your finger at someone else there are three fingers pointing back at you. For example, the Memphis Grizzlies are only the 28th most valuable team in the NBA, and they lost $2.6 million. Serena played the second semifinal, under the lights on the main court, and didn't finish until 11:30 pm EDT. Boundaries: The Best Defense Against Narcissists, The Real Secret to Making Relationships Work, How to Recognize Dark Triad Personality Traits. It is no surprise that the very labels that Serena placed on the umpire were aspects of herself that she couldn't face just then. Then again, for some kids, it's just a peace sign... so don't jump to conclusions. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Anyone watching that match could see that Serena was off her game from the start. For example, Gilbert is building casinos right by Quicken Loans Arena, which will dove-tail into the Cavaliers income, though they would technically be separate. There is actually a lot of good reason for it. In Greece, Mexico, the Middle East, and Africa, the action of raising your open hand, palm out, with spread fingers in front of someone is a serious sign of displeasure. Are you in conflict? She took it all out on the chair umpire. He did that knowing full well that the offer he gave the players was bogus and that there was no way they would accept it. Why did he push for expansion? I felt gut punched. If we've learned anything in the last decade it's that accountants can make lawyers look like they earn an honest living. 0 0. They will share the same parking areas and fans will gamble before and/or after the game. It just means she’s still heavily indoctrinated into the very bizarre and dangerous belief system. “There is an old and very wise Native American saying: Every time you point a finger in scorn—there are three remaining fingers pointing right back at you.” ― Alyson Noel, Fated tags: native-american , … It was ugly. Because, in the end, we all make mistakes. Furthermore, when it is spoken of in whole numbers and the billions of dollars to be split among the players, it works the other way as well. Even the greatest champions cannot win them all. Violet Andromeda. Three Fingers Pointing Back At You Posted on August 16, 2011 by revdrkid Not sure who coined the phrase, “Don’t point your finger at someone, because when you do, there are three fingers pointing back at you,” but I do know one thing: I hate that guy! The first and usually mildest is the OA which affects the hands, causing knobby enlargement of the finger joints. Samantha won easily, 6-2, 6-3. David Stern tried yesterday to finger Billy Hunter for all the blame in the NBA Players union's decision to dissolve. A new theory aims to make sense of it all. She was hating. 4. The combined salaries of James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh was $42 million. Much of the team's value is tied to their star players. Gone. While we are blaming and criticizing others, we are forgetting one important fact: when we point the finger at someone, three of them are pointed right back at us. I knew I could not use her Bible Study. The theories abound: The banks lent too much. Three fingers pointing back at you. You know the old saying, “when you point a finger at somebody else, there are _____ [3 fingers pointing back at you].” READ James 4:1b. So why did Stern want to generate so many new teams? But he’s pointing back at us, like, ‘No, it’s you guys. Jennifer Kunst, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst, working with adults and couples in her private practice in Pasadena, CA. We say those bad feelings do not apply to us; they apply to someone else. Of a Jehovah’s Witness? The motive behind the argument appearing to be that we shouldn't feel sorry for the players. It looks like a peace sign, but notice you see the back of the fingers, not the front? Maybe you know the saying, "When you point one finger, there are three fingers pointing back to you." After an amazing journey to the match—having overcome serious health issues that kept her on the bench for a year—Serena was favored to win the Open. Your analysis is provocative and very smart! If you feel angry with the players, wake up. I understand the scenario in which this lesson was illustrated, and well done: however, this "fingers pointing back at you," blanket statement is getting on my nerves for another reason. (Notwithstanding the above? Because in doing so he also generated huge value for the NBA. It just makes us human. Each and everyone of you fingerpointers, can you swear right now that of YOU were appointed to high office in Nigeria, that you will not enrich yourself? From a psychological perspective, I give everyone high marks for effectively handling the intense feelings stirred up by Serena's outburst. We often don’t want to admit we sin or do wrong like the Pharisees. It is December 23. Wisdom from the Couch: Knowing and Growing Yourself from the Inside Out. Finger Pointing Down Emoji HTML-entities. You can put Backhand Index Pointing Down Emoji html entity code in decimal or hexadecimal form right in your message, and it will be translated into graphical representation of Finger Pointing Down Emoji after you submit. The origin of this saying is the observation of our physical structure. Psychology Today © 2021 Sussex Publishers, LLC, Object Play and High Protein Food Reduce Predation by Cats, Neurodiversity and the Ecology of Thought, More Evidence That Oxytocin Isn’t a Universal “Love Hormone”. Whether you use the phrase, a finger pointing at you, or the traditional three fingers pointing back at you, they both mean the same thing. When you factor in changes in franchise value, there's no chance these are losing propositions. Another example is Marc Cuban and the luxury suites, which per the last CBA were kept out of BRI (Basketball Related Income). When you point at someone you have more fingers pointing back at you. Herbert Kohl purchased the Milwaukee Bucks for just $19 million in 1985. He knows the real culprit in all of this is himself, which is why he wants to place the blame on Billy Hunter, who has committed no greater crime than doing his job. Also, Fist of Blame would be a great title for a whiny martial arts movie. Aside from that, there is the disguise of "profit" and "loss" that the owners are perpetrating. We have three times more control than the one we point our finger to. Perhaps Ms. Williams should see you as a therapist!). Stosur had played the first semifinal the day before, and was done by 8:30 pm. It doesn't make us losers, or haters, or unattractive. In fact, Stern's pointed remarks ignored that if there is a single person to blame for the tragic turn in the NBA negotiations, it is he, not Hunter, who is at fault. When you factor in the increase in value, only five teams lost money last year. This is completely disingenuous. When you have hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars you don't live paycheck to paycheck. To understand, why you have to skip past the "millionaires vs. billionaires" kind of rhetoric that gets repeated and look at the actual details of why the lockout happened. FYI, if you ever thought about pointing a finger at someone else, and letting them know a thing or two, While you are pointing your finger at them, look at your hand as there are three fingers are pointing back at you. Three fingers are pointing back to you.". Just ask Dan Gilbert! She didn't want to look at herself. When you want to express that you love something, just make the Taylor Swift heart hand sign. The verbal attacks, the words she uses. The 9″ of snow that fell on Friday plus a weekend’s worth of flurries and now the freezing rain, have made it a perfect day to stay home and make a few more cookies, and start the baking for the Christmas dinner. We all do well to follow the three fingers, not so much in self-accusation but in an effort to take proper stock of ourselves. After a short time, the match mostly settled back to its previous state. And Samantha, to her credit, also kept cool. MOST ARE TOO DUMB TO REALISE THAT AS THEY POINT THAT HYPOCRITICAL FINGER, 4 FINGERS POINT BACK AT THEM. She'd torn though the draw without a problem; now, she was a half-step slow and several miles an hour slower on her serve than in any other match. Because it's so frickin awesome! People are defensive. Sure, you wind up with four fingers pointing back at you, but the actual fist is still pointing at the person you’re blaming, which makes them more likely to accept the blame without an argument. I like the way jennibu explained it too. I'm no accountant, but that sounds pretty good. Reply. So I'm going to call BS on that saying. Not only does the APA "Goldwater Rule" proscribe it, but drawing psychological conclusions without an evaluation of the person can lead people to think that this is what therapists do as a matter of course. Jesus had a version of this wisdom when he said, "Don't focus on the speck in your brother's eye while ignoring the log in your own eye." The chair umpire called Serena's shout-out a "hindrance" to the play and gave the point to Samantha. Have you ever researched the cult personality? However, at the same time they rose 4 percent in value, from $256 million in value to $266 million. But before the point was over, she enthusiastically cried out, "Come on!" That's a 1300 percent return on an investment in 26 years. Therefore you are inexcusable, you finger-pointer, whoever you think you are to judge, for in the way you are pointing your finger at someone else, you have three of your own fingers pointing at yourself. Not coincidentally, the value of the Miami Heat jumped 17 percent from $363 million to $425 million. A by-the-book call, but one that flipped Serena's switch. All the cookies that I have previously made? I'm not so sure this was a case of projective identification than a matter of the subconscious being a powerful thing. I always smile when one of these nuggets of wisdom from my youth is validated with modern research (apparently grandma really did know… That's a 106 percent rise in value over an 11-year period. More a case of being unable to contain when she saw how she was playing...and why. - If I have one finger pointed at you, I have three fingers pointed back at me. They point back at us to remind us that regardless of who or what we may feel is responsible for our current state and situation, ultimately, the responsibility is ours. Consider this. I think that maybe we should stop pointing fingers at other people and just start with ourselves. Maybe you know the saying, "When you point one finger, there are three fingers pointing back to you." Perhaps she could have smoothed out the situation by suggesting a replay of the point, but instead she kept her head in the game, even in a rattled state.