These native people, once considered hostile and dangerous, now had influence and a share in the formation of this new progressive language. If you were to visit the "land down under", you would be greeted with the term, G'Day or Ow ya' going'?. Skull : to drink a beer in a single draught without taking a breath Turn it up! Roadie : a beer you buy to take away with you for the car/train/general journey Think again. One Definition | Tags: religious, sayings & phrases Shut your pie hole Aussie Word of the Day Thursday 4.2.2021. Sanga: a sandwich (also known as a ‘sando’) With the advancement of technology Australia is no longer an isolated continent. Unlike British or American slang, Australian slang terms are more recognized for their abbreviations than phrases, but that’s only for the foreigners. beer bottle Stubby holder : polystyrene insulated holder for a stubby Stuffed, I feel : I'm tired Stuffed, I'll be : expression of surprise Sunbake : sunbathe Sunnies : sunglasses Surfies : people who go surfing - usually more often than they go to work! Down to this day, you can still hear traces of Aboriginal language blended with slang. get out of here! Keyword. You could say it is doublespeak in nature, and spoken in a foreign tongue. Whether you’re dreaming of visiting Australia, have just arrived or have been in this gigantic island of paradise for a while, there are a few Australian slang words that you should learn to help you get through day to day life. Australian slang dictionary specifically about Australian phrases for the novice and expert alike. Shit house (noun) : toilet, lavatory As the country developed, land unoccupied by the white settler, in addition to unexplored territory, now gave way to an infiltration of new inhabitants. Rego : vehicle registration Occasional coexistence with the Aborigine created a fresh understanding of their culture, behaviour and speech. Australian slang can be tricky to wrap your laughin’ gear around. Thingy : You know, a thingy! Facebook. Sav : sausage (see: ‘fair suck’ of the) a division of Blue Sky Publications Ltd. Think you know it all? Australian Slang Dictionary. Salvos, the : Salvation Army, bless them Ropeable : very angry Check out slang A to Z, and become versed in this doublespeak language from the land down under. (“The boss got up me for being late”) : of poor quality, not enjoyable (“This car is shit house”, “The movie was shit house”) Copyright © Blue Sky Publications Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 14-11-2014 01:40. in Entertainment. Here’s a list of popular Australian slang terms you probably heard before but didn’t know what they meant. Fair dinkum, have a gander at this list of Aussie slang terms and phrases and see if you get the lingo. A completely different language only spoken by Australians to Australians. Screamer : party lover; somebody who gets drunk on very little alcohol (“he’s a two pot screamer”) Tutelage through reading and ardent study of this lexicon, can inspire and teach you the right voice and the proper accent of the Australian language. Example: He’s always pulling sickies to get out of work. Definition: (Exclamation) You better believe it! Spewin’ : very angry Twitter. Square Bear : Bundaberg rum Spew : vomit Righto: used to express cheerful concurrence, assent, or understanding (“Righto mate, head this way”) Tee-up : to set up (an appointment) exclamation of rejection, dismissal, etc. If you've got something to add to the dictionary, give us a yell. If a word or expression does leave you a little confused, just remember Australians have a tendency to speak quickly and always leave off the letter "G" at the end of a word, and the letter "H" at the beginning of a word. Sook : someone who is soft, tame, inoffensive. In the year 1851, news of immense gold finds in the state of New South Wales and Victoria led many adventurous soles away from the safety and shelter of the city to seek fame and fortune in the outback. The free online slang dictionary for Australian English and Aussie slang. Australian Slang is just another product of the colonisation of the world by the British Empire. Welcome now to the "Ridgy-Didge" words and expressions of "STRINE"! Members of the Australian military (known officially as the Australian Defence Force or ADF) use many unique slang terms. Sprung : caught doing something wrong Among the convicts many served strenuous labour tasks constructing roads and government buildings. Although some of the more colourful words and expressions have faded from existence, much of this terminology can still be heard among blokes shouting "schooners" at the local pub. : definitely! Careful enunciation of the language through everyday communication and conversation provides guidance and correct expression of this unusual terminology that is frequently spoken throughout the country. [R] Yet stranger terms would confuse your ears, words like: feeling crook, she's apples; or hard yakka. So make sure you study our Australian Slang Dictionary before your visit - even if you are already familiar with English! Yarn : story told, often employing great poetic licence. Sheila : a woman Strewth : exclamation, mild oath (“Strewth, that Chris is a bonzer bloke”) The fervent fever for gold caused many communities and townships to spring up virtually overnight. It proves to be a living and changing language due to the character and the ingenious use of the English language. is Rapt : pleased, delighted Rip-snorter : great, fantastic (“it was a rip-snorter of a party”) Even more confusing to your ears would be expressions like flat out like a lizard drinking. An Australian stereotype referring to lower-class, lazy, alcohol-loving people who use a lot of slang and lack an interest in ‘intellectual topics’ such as politics and current affairs. Sickie (chuck a): constitutionally legislated (maybe) right to take a day off sick from work, especially if perfectly healthy Many words have been included in a short phrase or sentence to give a clear understanding as to how it is to be used and spoken. But strewth, mate; learning this complete list of bonzer terms and phrases will endear you every true blue Aussie. Reproduction without permission prohibited. The words of the Australian slang often have no resemblance to other words in English. So Christmas becomes Chrissie, Barbeque becomes Barbie. You may find some of these words unusual to say the very least but many are spoken with a serious tongue. Trackies : track suit GOOGLE KEY WORDS. White pointers : topless (female) sunbathers Along with the Aborigine, and his indigenous culture, came a diverse discovery of unusual wildlife, plants, minerals, and for the elusive metal -- gold. And when you’re invited to “tea”, you’re inevitably thinking of tea time and Earl Gray, but you will have a nice dinner when you except the invitation. Experiences and life in the outback were influencing the attitude, habits, and speech of these new land settlers. Here are your Monday & Wednesday Lotto results for... Official Opposition says today’s Budget Update confirms much-touted infrastructure program is falling further behind schedule. Below you will find an A to Z list of Aussie words spoken in everyday speech. Aussie slang is only for good friends and informal gatherings. Vegie: Vegetable. Trackie dacks : tracksuit pants Made famous by the ill-fated former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who enjoyed using Australian slang to speak to the electorate and often pleaded for … Below is a list of these words and their English equivalents. Root (verb and noun) : synonym for ‘fuck’ in nearly all its senses: “I feel rooted”; “this washing machine is rooted”; “(s)he’s a good root” There's big money on the line Monday & Wednesday, $4 million! Included among Australian sayings are glossary examples, you may find English words which are written to reflect the Aussie accent (not to be confused with the dialect). Australian slang dictionary (A-F) Can you speak ‘Strayan? The ADF is made up of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), the Australian Army, and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). Spag bol : spaghetti Bolognese Rellie (also: rello) : family relative Australian slang, known as 'Strine, is a way of using certain words and phrases that have become iconic to Australians. Response: "Arealbottlathanksmate!". (“He’s really up himself”) Schooner : large beer glass in Queensland/NSW; medium beer glass in South Australia Servo : petrol station They can understand most foreign terms in the English vernacular, but most likely it'd take you some time to understand the Aussie way of talk. by Australian Times. By the mid 1860's the nation's population has increased at an alarming rate. Thangamajig: See ‘Whatchamacallit’ 04 October 2019. Most of all Australians love abbreviations. Turps : turpentine, alcoholic drink She’ll be right : it’ll turn out okay In time convicts gained their freedom, establishing small homesteads, raising families, and cultivating the land. Usually constructed of a mess of words that makes sense to those who grew up in Australia. Australian slang is certainly ‘interesting’! True blue : patriotically Australian Pitt Street farmer. A little table of daily Australian slang. Dictionary of Australian English slang. ‘Strayan : Australian slang and pronunciation. Roo : kangaroo Australia has one of the most unique languages referred to as "Strine" a term for Australia and the word used to describe "Aussie slang". Ripper, you little : exclamation of delight or as a reaction to good news the slang shown here on this page should help most visitors to Australia, and give you a few laughs along the way - as well (enjoy). 09 June 2015. Sandgroper : a person from Western Australia Frequent conflict developed between the Aborigine and the free settlers. Even one's own name is no longer scared. Strine : Australian slang and pronunciation Stubby : a 375ml. Usually used to describe politicians’ actions Stubby holder : polystyrene insulated holder for a stubby Only a few eventually returned to the city with wealth. Welcome to this latest edition of Australian Slang. Strides : trousers (“I lost his phone, and he’s having a sook”) You think you can get away with Oxford English in Australia? Look up Aussie slang phrases and words you'll only hear in Australia. Also, Australians alter the vowel sounds, such as changing the "a" in the English "fat" to the English "mom". This is especially so you may fully understand aussie talk, and the phraseology of the Australian dialect. When spoken in proper context, these light hearted phrases and terminology can prevent quarrelling and quash a disagreement. Isolation and little law enforcement consequently bought about much greed and bloodshed among the miners. Too right! Learn how to pronounce and express yourself voicing slang. You little ripper! Training and understanding by way of online schooling does require concentration and discipline. For example: Question: "Ow ya' going, Freddie?" Aussie sayings, aussie sayings slang, australia, Australian Slang, slang dictionary, private label … Bushrangers (Highwaymen) became prevalent. Slab : a carton of 24 bottles or cans of beer Togs : swim suit Can also be used to describe friends who spill drinks on themselves, swear a lot or perform reckless actions without much thought. Release Date: 16/11/2020 Australian English has always been rich in slang and dialect words, many of which – dinkum for example – came out from Great Britain with the convicts and their meanings and pronunciation changed. Yet, despite this, the Aussie way of talk has flourished. , a richly-textured, often ribald world of laconic humor. American, British and European programs have introduced to Australia assorted cultures, languages and accents. Swag : rolled up bedding (usually made of canvas with a mattress inside), [T] Also see: Australian slang dictionary (A-F) Australian slang dictionary (G-Q) [R] Rack off : push off! Walkabout :  a journey of discovery without a stated destination, to go missing (“it’s/he’s gone walkabout”) Hearing any of these terms used in a sentence would undoubtedly, leave you a little bewildered, especially when heard in conjunction with the Aussie accent. Show pony : someone who tries hard, by his dress or behaviour, to impress those around him. Whoozywhats : Someone you don’t know the name of and you don’t quite want to ascribe the title ‘mate’ to yet 2013.. Screw with; Screwy Right, that’d be : accepting bad news as inevitable (“I went fishing but caught nothing” “Yeah, that’d be right”) Yabby : tasty inland freshwater crayfish Scratchy : instant lottery ticket (The word bloody, is the most used adjective) Much flavour and spice was added to the dialect by the diggers of the last two world wars. Introduction to this strange new land was difficult and played a strong part in the formation of verbal sayings. Turps, hit the : go on a drinking binge, [U] Strine : see ‘Strayan Ute : utility vehicle, pickup truck. (also: ‘thingo’) A new culture was in the making. One of the first dictionaries of Australian slang was Karl Lentzner's Dictionary of the Slang-English of Australia and of Some Mixed Languages in 1892. Unit : flat, apartment Just like the silly Australian Culture and Stereotypes. Example: Yeah, too right!You’re spot on. This ever changing slanguage street talk has involved into a dialect and vocabulary all of its own. Stubby : a 375ml beer bottle (or plural ie stubbies – a pair of footy shorts) Thus, "task" becomes "tosk", and "mask" becomes "mosk", etc. ; used to show you agree with someone strongly. It’s like my Australian Slang Dictionary! , a richly-textured, often ribald world of laconic humor. Slang is Australia's own vernacular expression and lingo such as word diction, idioms and a glossary of everyday vocalization unique to the sunburnt country known as the land down under. It is almost pidgin like and a rare vernacular indeed. Stickybeak : very inquisitive (“have a stickybeak”, or “Don’t be such a bloody stickybeak”) Seppo : an American (rhyming slang for ‘Septic tank’ = ‘Yank’) But if you’re willing to put in the hard yakka and brush up your lingo, the world is your oyster. : expression of disbelief U-bolt: to perform a 180 degree turn around (also U-banger) Each new edition of the Macquarie Dictionary features a foreword written by an esteemed Australian writer. XXXX : pronounced ‘Fourex’, brand of beer made in Queensland, [Y] Also Vegemite (Australia’s favourite spread) Sentences or short phrases are also usually run together as one long word spoken in like manner. Up somebody, get : to rebuke somebody. Truckie : truck driver expenses, the system). Aussies bring a new meaning to the word "bilingual". Humorous moments may arise as you aspire to express your feelings and thoughts by communicating via the Australian dialect. Some military slang words, such as digger, have become widely used … For example: Ross is Rossco, Karen is Kaz, John is Johnny or Johnno, Mark is Markus, Michelle is Shelly or Shell, etc. The prose uttered by Australians makes it a rare colloquialism. The Official Australian Slang Dictionary. Please make an addition to the database! Whatchamacallit: See ‘Thingy’ As the years passed, much of the terminology as it is known and accepted today, remained as an integral part of the language from the land down under. Articulation and pronunciation of this language and Australian slang vocabulary as well as Aussie phraseology and gibberish has made this brogue and fun speech sole vernacular to Australia. Yobbo : an uncouth person, Go to: Complete Dictionary of Australian Slang, I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions (GDPR). Top End : far north of Australia To aid you in this endeavour, a glossary of the most commonly used Australian words and expressions have been indexed in alphabetical order. Each have their own distinct traditions but share a defence force culture.