My fish Crimson just recently got over dropsy we have taken good care of him but now he seems as pale as he was when had it but isnt bloated and has this white spot near his gill. Tumors are usually hard to treat, but they are not common in fish. Question: My betta fish used to eat in a smaller tank now when I put him in a big tank all alone he likes to play instead of eating, is there anything I can do? See all parameters in the comment section of this article. 1. It is highly contagious but it can be treated fully by Bettafix Remedy. Question: My betta fish is slow, sleeps at the bottom of the tank and doesn't move much. I removed the plastic plants and changed his water every five days. Unlike your typical tank, the bullets you fire ricochet off the walls like bouncing balls. Question: My betta's abdomen is bigger than usual, is this ok? They have no outward signs of disease. I recently lost 3 of 4 females in my healthy sorority. Also, if the cause of the growth is due to factor(s) affecting all the fish, then all are at the risk. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. My male betta has white tips of his front fins, he should be healthy I feed him pellets and every 2 days I give him dried blood worms. Januaris Saint Fores (author) from Intercontinental on October 09, 2019: @Crimson you can see how to deal with white spots from article, but as far as eating is concerned, it looks like he has the swim bladder condition and can therefore go for days without eating until the condition is gone. Januaris Saint Fores (author) from Intercontinental on June 18, 2019: @charlie In addition to cleaning the water, you need also to change and condition the water regularly and optimize parameters such as dissolved solids, pH, ammonia, nitrites, etc. Hello, my betta has been mine for almost two years. The affected parts appear red and swollen and have protruding worms and threads of slime. Any ideas about what it could be? The infected fish usually dies after a few days if it is not treated early enough. Parasitic ailments are the most contagious, and can be introduced into the aquarium by new fish. Adding too many fish to a new aquarium. Question: I just got a koi betta. Antibiotics such as Methylene Blue and Fungus Clear can cure fish fungus. Is this just his colour or is it some kind of fungus? Answer: The new water could be having abnormal parameters that are fading the color. Answer: Check the swim bladder condition from the article, and if the thing on the scales is cotton-like, then he also has fungus. Tank Trouble, one of the popular action games, continues with new versions. He was swimming around and seemed pretty happy last night, but this morning he is hiding a lot behind his plant and not really seeming active. Please help! 4. The fish seems healthy, eats and swims around like normal. Play Tank Trouble online for free on Poki. I have been keeping bettas for almost 15 years, and I have seen this medication heal my aquatic pets. He could also be trying to acclimatize with the new tank, something which could be stressful. Januaris Saint Fores (author) from Intercontinental on June 24, 2020: Hi, some white stuff grow on my Betta fish's fin. When it comes to the treatment, the swim bladder disorder can be stopped by raising the water temperature, letting the fish fast for some days and then feeding them with cooked peas. If you have the fin and tail rot disease or the related infections in your aquarium, I would encourage you to go for this medication. It can be prevented by treating any newly infected fish and keeping the water clean. Answer: Red spots are usually sores (fungal or bacterial) or wounds caused by parasites which thrive in dirty water. He/she could have developed an infection on the head. Januaris Saint Fores (author) from Intercontinental on July 30, 2020: @Violet, it's great you have gotten another tank. It will sit there for long periods of time without moving. He never hid from me and would flare and blow bubbles all the time. Betta fish diseases and illnesses can be categorized as fungal, parasitic, or bacterial. You get a guaranteed seat amongst the beta testers and access to the closed developer's forum. Answer: If he's not looking sick, then the spots could be birthmarks. Question: My male beta has little black spots on his body. My beta has a puffy chest. Manufactured by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, this medication consists of curing components such as sodium chloride, copper sulfate, acriflavin, formalin, sulfa 4 TMP, methylene blue and malachite green. But that spot is more noticeable, and her gills are flared up. See it in the article. Januaris Saint Fores (author) from Intercontinental on July 22, 2019: @Nimbus it is highly likely that there was a big problem with the water. It is usually recommended to change and condition it regularly, and optimize parameters such as pH, ammonia, nitrites, dissolved solids, etc. What does it mean when a betta fish remains at the bottom of its tank? Looks like it could bust what could this be? Those weird eggs can also float. I have a male traditional betta who probably has Columnaris. You also need to maintain the right water parameters - pH, ammonia, nitrites. Question: My betta has been hanging out at the bottom of the tank, she doesn’t really eat. Please, please help. Januaris Saint Fores (author) from Intercontinental on July 12, 2019: @Diana if the light yellow stuff is cotton-like, then it's highly likely to be a fungal infection, and you can try changing and conditioning the water more frequently. Relentless tank wars begin. It's most likely to be a fungal infection which can be eased by changing water regularly and maintaining the right water parameters. Territory War. See how to deal with the condition from the article. Any advice? However, I am getting worried about Bailey because he’s looking frazzled lately. Januaris Saint Fores (author) from Intercontinental on June 01, 2020: Januaris Saint Fores (author) from Intercontinental on May 30, 2020: @Time, see the disease with this symptom from the article. enjoy this amazing game and don't forget to share it! See how to deal with it from the article. I also cleaned decor and put it back exactly where it was. Now all she wants to do is stay by the heater. I conditioned the water, waited, added the appropriate bacteria and put some H2O drops in the water to reduce stress. Looks like it could bust what could this be? I have kept him in a 240 litres tank with 35 other small fishes.. earlier when i had 20 fishes my betta was doing fine swimming around and eating.. but after adding 10 Red rose tetras which were chasing my betta for a week now, my betta is not so active.. it always hides or rests between plants.. doesnt swim around like it did earlier.. its color has reduced and the fins doesnt flare like it did.. And also there are some light grey small patches on its skin.. they were not there earlier.. i do weekly water change of 25% as i have more fishes in the tank.. Kindly suggest me what I can do to save my betta.. Januaris Saint Fores (author) from Intercontinental on May 13, 2019: @Amethyst It likely that the old water had a high level of dissolved solids which flocculated on the scales. Check the parameters in the article section of the article. I've been treating him with a bacterial medicine that my local fish store recommended for around a week but he is getting worse. ), Well level of difficulty would still make it better, Or maybe 2 or more tanks against one in single player, The game is one of the best games I like it a lot Press the like bottom please, Good game, this is the best game ever ! He's my baby brother's fish, and he would be devastated if it were to die. Question: My betta fish is pale and is alive but at the bottom of its tank. He always spits it out, tries again and then gets tired of trying. It is caused by constipation, poor water conditions, parasite or bacterial infections and enlarged organs. Answer: It looks like the living conditions are not favorable for the koi. What is the cause and cure for such a condition? Answer: If it's soft and looks like a ball of cotton, then it's not a tumor. Whilst it seems to be fine, eating and moving about as it should be, it has noticeable red spots around it’s gills. What is this likely to be? You can try changing and conditioning it regularly. Answer: It is highly likely to be Columnaris in its early stages. This is the same routine I’ve been following with him and he has never behaved this way. This weekend I noticed that Athena’s side of the tank was a little more murky and had a clear film on top of the water. I do not own any part of Tank Trouble. I've cleaned her tank and watched her more, but still keeps happening, i don't know if its the food I've gave her, but i doubt it, .my friend who is a fish expert told me this is the best food. Question: Can I feed ants to my betta fish? My Betta has a white spot between its fin and gile what should i do. Question: There are white worms in my betta's tank water. or should I continue with this current medicine. Shift+CConsole (Good luck finding the commands! Pleasure is only pleasurable if it’s convincingly interesting. Features. I feed my fish about 3 times a day with about 5 squares every meal. I only got him a month ago from Petco and he was doing relatively fine aside from being stressed due to the conditions of his 1gal tank. why are they fighting? Get Started 1.126.625 partidas, ¡Exitazo! Question: My betta has gray patches all around her. I changed her water to pre-conditioned betta water. Finds locations to stay at the top of the tank otherwise unwillingly floats to bottom. This game can be played online at our website. My beta has a clear bump on his side looks like a boil. I love him, what should I do? It can also be prevented by feeding fish with vitamins-rich foods. There are 6 additional weapons, each with their own special powers. He will get a little better and then swell up again. What do you think it is and can I save him? Download Tank Trouble apk 1.0 for Android. The Amazing Spider Man. Be amongst the first to battle online! Question: I got another betta recently, and I noticed that it a white plump where his gill is. My betta is not eating properly for some days. I think my Betta has Swim Bladder Disorder, It's day 3 with no food,well he while laying on bottom of tank hold his tail bent and skyward.