Steward – Looking after running of estates. 7 benefits of working from home; Jan. 26, 2021. England in the Elizabethan era had a strong sense of social differences – belonging to a particular occupation, wealth, and ancestry, had huge impact on the social standing of an individual. Bows – Bowyer Barber-although they are usually seen cutting hair, they were also skilled in terms of other personal care like doing the job of a surgeons, dentist, and blood-letters. Historians often depict it as the golden age in English history and it’s been widely romanticized in books, movies, plays, and TV series. Feb. 10, 2021. Elizabethan Era Occupations, Jobs, Professions, Elizabethan Lower class versus upper class. Elizabethan occupations and Jobs including a bottler, a chaplain, an apothecary, a cordwainer and a Spinster. Lower class/Poor Middle class Family Life Religion was taught in schools and was very Some jobs require education, but very few people went to college. Buys and sells raw wool; also silk and linen. Blacksmiths forged weapons, sharpened weapons, repaired armor. Not only were men able to inherit property from their fathers; they also often received property from their wives' fathers when they agreed to marry. Basically they produced pots for cooking and storage and occasionally worked as sculptors. Other iron work – Blacksmith In his 1597 play, The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare wrote a comedy about the greed of one Jew, Shylock. The room in the castle called the Buttery was intended for storing and dispensing beverages, especially ale. Citizens ... e.g. BAKERBread was a daily staple of Elizabethan life, and good bakers were employed by Nobles in their castles. Traders 3. Draper – Wholesale clothes dealer, ready-made garments MESSENGERMessengers were lesser diplomats of the lord who carried receipts, letters, and commodities. families could move from one class to another, but most people were born into a particular class and stayed there. Dentistry – Barber Surgeon This class also constituted of others like the traders, shopkeepers and those who produced goods for others to use. This "golden age" represented the apogee of the English Renaissance and saw the flowering of poetry, music and literature. The main and real growth in that era was considered to be within the merchants. Elizabethan Life - Elizabethan Occupations and JobsElizabethan Life and Elizabethan Occupations, Professions and Jobs, Elizabethan Occupations, Jobs and Professions, ACROBATAn Acrobat was a popular Elizabethan entertainer. silk mercer or a wool mercer BARBER - A Barber had many occupations in relation to personal care. Innkeepers 5. All rights reserved. In the play Shylock is undermined, forced to lose his religion and loses most of his material belongings. Wet Nurse – Breast feeds the baby in early months, even upto 2 years Is the cloth retailer: the … Elizabethan Era - Free Educational Resource. -The concern for the poor people was greatest during the Elizabethan Era. Jobs: Guilds: During Elizabethan era, occupation varies. It was split into Upper class fashion and lower class fashion. Normally this was done on a given day when the public would assemble at the base of a castle tower or in the town square and the Herald would shout out the news, MARSHALMarshal was the officer in charge of a household's horses, carts, wagons, containers and the transporting of goods. The Reeve ensured that everyone began and stopped work on timeSCRIBEMost Scribes came from religious establishments where reading, writing and comprehension skills were learned.SCULLIONScullions were the lowest of kitchen workers whose duties included washing and cleaning the kitchenSHERIFFThe sheriff was an important official of county who was responsible for executing judicial dutiesSHOEMAKERA Shoemaker or Cobbler or Cordwainer was a craftsman who made shoesSPINSTERSpinster was the name of the occupation given to a woman who earned her living spinning yarn. Upper-Class Jobs Members of the royal family were in charge of ruling the country and acting as leaders. The increase in banking and urbanization during the early Renaissance led to the emergence of a new class of people, the middle class. People would do every trick in the book just to survive. The Elizabethan Era During Elizabethan era, occupation varies. Elizabethan Incomes. The Elizabethan era, commonly referred to as the “Golden Age”, was a time where Queen Elizabeth I reigned supreme and the society underwent various developmental changes. A Priest would usually looked after the spiritual needs and confessions of the Nobles and their familiesCLERKA Clerk was employed to keep accounts CLOTHIERClothiers made clothes for the nobles and required having a knowledge of various fine and expensive materialsCONSTABLEConstable was the occupation of the person who had been appointed as Custodian, or in charge of, the castle COOKCook was employed in the castle kitchens roasting, broiling, and baking food in the fireplaces and ovens.