The baseline ratio of rain to snow is 1 inch of rain equals 10 inches of snow. The major goals of this study are 1) to obtain a snow-ratio equation and 2) to evaluate the quality of numerical snowfall-depth forecasts using the proposed SR equation and the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF; Skamarock et al. Exercise So let's look at an example of using the 850mb chart to forecast snow in the Appalachian mountains of West Virginia. Conclu-sions are given in section 4. Hour by hour forecast - Friday (WOWT). With temperatures so cold, snow ratios will be high. specific snow-depth thresholds (Gray and Male 1981, 671–706; Minsk 1998, 123–132). snow ratio and the meteorological variables and the derivation of a nonlinear (logistic) regression equation of SR. b. Our next chance for snow arrives in a clipper Friday night into Saturday morning. David’s Forecast Update: Rain moves in tonight, with snow and wind impacting the Thursday morning commute ... With the air being so cold, our snow ratios will be high; this means, snow … The final step is often performed using climatology or unverified empirical techniques. Essentially, that means that if it snows 10 inches, if we were to melt all the water in that snow… Education ; Behind the Forecast: Flake News: How snow-to-liquid ratios impact snow type, totals Listen to Science Behind the Forecast with Meteorologist Tawana Andrew every Friday on 89.3 WFPL at 7:45 a.m. Modern snowfall forecasting is a three-step process involving a quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF), determination of precipitation type, and application of a snow-to-liquid ratio (SLR). Section 3 includes the descriptions of the experi-mental design and snowfall events, as well as the evalu-ation of snowfall predictions for the 10 cases. Our typical snow ratio that we often use forecasting is a 10:1 ratio. For wintertime precipitation forecasting of the snowfall amount there is an additional challenge since one needs an accurate estimate of the snow-to-liquid ratio (SLR) for the given event. This conversion applies for snow falling at temperatures near freezing, between 28 and 34 degrees Fahrenheit. Meanwhile, the angle brackets (<, >) will change the forecast time, then load the dProg/dt loop for the new clock time. For example, to calculate the snowfall equivalent of 3 inches of rain, multiply 3 by 10 to obtain 30 inches of snow as the baseline conversion. Determination of snow ratio For this study, observed meteorological data are used to derive a nonlinear regression equation of SR. In Compare Models Loop mode, the bracket keys all behave the same way they do in Single Image mode (that is, they will always load a new page, rather than advancing the looper). – Very cold temperatures = Light fluffy, high ratio snow – Snow covered and icy roads possible – School delays/cancellations a concern. As a result, snow is more common in the mountains during the winter, and is more likely during early to mid spring than at the lower elevations. 2. 2005).