Homeopathy works well in both acute and chronic bronchitis. 4. In addition, instructions for … ANTIMONIUM ARSENICUM: It is the medicine for congestion in chest with breathlessness. Homeopathy has a number of medicines that work wonders to reduce the sinus congestion. Homeopathic Medicine for Throat Problems Aconitum nap. Throat congestion happens when mucus from your nose drips down the back of the throat, also called, postnasal drip and gets stuck. Yes. If your nasal passage is congested but your body is still producing mucus to fight off harmful bacteria or pollutants, that mucus needs somewhere to go. The above-mentioned list simply gives an idea about what homeopathy has to offer to its patients who seek complete and long term relief from phlegm in throat. 11 Best Homeopathic Remedies/Medicines For Strep Throat The list of homeopathic remedies for strep throat mentioned below are the most frequently used in the management of strep throat. Condurango. (Thrice a day): Acute, painful, sore throat whose onset is sudden and causes anxiety. Cuprum metallicum is another known and best homeopathic cough suppressant. Top rated homeopathic remedies for sinus congestion are Sticta, Kali Bichromicum and Hydrastis. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used. Can homeopathy help? This remedy is derived from the brittle metal arsenic, also known as arsenous acid. Homeopathic medicines works excellent in all types of allergic disorder, target to modify the over sensitivity of the body immune system thus cures permanently. Using a unique, proprietary blend of three highly diluted and scientifically selected natural substances, Mucus-Clear™ provides an … Dry cough at night with dryness of throat; splinter like … Homeopathic remedies are highly effective at dealing with cough, colds and asthma and its chronic effects such as Bronchiectasis. Throat lozenges may help too. This homeopathic medicine has coughing with marked dryness of mucus membrane; dry, hacking cough with frequent sneezing; every morning there is a long attack of dry cough, with difficult little mucus. What follows are a few homeopathic remedies to consider when you have an acute flare-up. Select the medicine that most closely matches the symptoms. It helps in relieving pain and other symptoms of throat cancer as well as fights the cells of cancer. Homeopathy is based on the paradoxical theory that “like cures like.” A substance (such as coffee) that causes a particular set of symptoms (such as insomnia, restlessness, and irritability) in a large dose can relieve those symptoms in an extremely diluted dose. The tonsils are enlarged, and they have throbbing pains. Sinusitis result from viral or bacterial or allergic cause can be completely cured by proper homeopathy treatment. Homeopathy Dosage Directions. If you are being treated with homeopathic medicine, however, do not take lozenges containing menthol or eucalyptus, since these substances may interfere with the action of the medicine. There may also be mucus drainage in the back of the throat, called postnasal drip. Apart from these few medicines, Homoeopathy has more than 5000 medicines to offer which are prescribed solely based on appropriate indications. For many, the symptoms of a sinus problem include pain (facial and head), fever, weakness, fatigue, cough, and congestion. The homeopathic medicine for cough acts to soothe your throat, thus relieving you off the associated pain and cold you may experience. ANTIMONIUM TART in this case proves helpful. I like using Organic Essential Oils in a diffuser (Respiratory Relief formula) or eucalyptus oil that keeps my sinuses and throat clear from excess mucus. How To Get Rid of Mucus from Throat. Vicks VapoRub, perhaps the best known one, combines cough suppressants and pain relievers. Movements and warmth relieve while damp, cold weather aggravates. Blue Shield Complementary and Alternative Medicine advises Pulsatilla negricans for colds that feature stuffy noses, especially if thick, yellowish or … Use arsenicum album to reduce nasal discharge. The patient suffers […] The researchers found that homeopathic syrup could completely resolve a cough after the first week in over 50% of the 85 patients who participated in the 28-day study. Homeopathic medicines like kalium Bichromicum, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Asafoetida, Manganum, Mercurius Iodatum Rubrum and Phillandrinum Aquaticum are useful to get rid of your sinus infection in 24 hours. Pulsatilla negricans, distilled from the meadow anemone, is a common homeopathic remedy for nasal congestion. Here are common homeopathic remedies for allergies. The best Homeopathic Remedies for sore throat are Belladonna, Hepar Sulph and Phosphorus. 5 best Homeopathic medicines for Bronchitis. Alumina. Hepar sulphuris calcareum This relieves dry, hoarse cough worsened by cold air and cold drinks, occurring at the beginning and at the end of the night. All cases of sinusitis, whether acute or chronic, cause sinus congestion. Homeopathic medicines are most effective when they are prescribed for the unique syndrome of symptoms the sick person has, not just the name of the disease s/he has. Pulsatilla Negricans. Kali Bich is one of the best homeopathic remedies to treat sinus congestion with pressure and pain at the root of the nose. Mucous-Clear Phlegm Away is a 100% natural homeopathic remedy formulated for the relief of phlegm and throat congestion. An exact picture of what this basic element would look like is absent. Alpha-NC is a formulation of homeopathic medicines which are found effective in dealing with and taking care of the causative factors of nasal congestion. By reducing the amount of mucus dripping in the throat, saline nasal spray effectively treats throat congestion. You rub it on your throat and chest to let the vapor reach your nose and mouth. If a cold begins with stiffness and body aches, especially during cool damp weather or weather changes, and leads to nasal congestion or sore throat, this remedy should come to mind. The homeopathic medicines are often recommended for such seasonal problems. Homeopathic Medicines for Sinus Congestion. People who need this remedy often feel weak, "spaced out," and anxious or fearful when ill. Rhus toxicodendron. The active ingredients are camphor, eucalyptus oil, and menthol. Condurango is the most suitable medicine for throat cancer if the cancer has affected esophagus as well as has reached stomach. Use saline nasal spray to treat and relieve you of … 91-674-2740274 91-9937412150 HIG-4/4 Ext, H.B Colony C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar-16,OD,India When winter seasons knocks at our door. Belladonna is the top natural Homeopathic remedy for sore throat with a constrictive feeling and difficulty in swallowing. Skin is hot and dry, there is great thirst and the throat looks dry, rough, constricted, burning and tingy. KALI BICHROMICUM 30-Kali bichrimicum is an excellent remedy for nasal congestion due to sinusitis, where the discharge drops back into the throat despite coming out of the nose. In fact, evidence also supports homeopathy for colds and coughs. Check out Doliosis D9 drops, Homeopathy medicine for snore relief Allen Snorid drops are specially formulated to provide relief from Snoring, irregular air flow due to air passage congestion, swollen soft tissues and inflammation. Homeopathic medicine Hepar Sulph is of great help in treating sore throat with a splinter sensation in the throat. Here are the 5 best Homeopathic remedies for Bronchitis-Arsenic Album- best homeopathic medicine for bronchitis with weakness Mucous-Clear Phlegm Away can be used to safely support the delicate structures in the throat, without harmful side effects. Looking for Homeopathic medicines for Phlegm, ... A feeling of tightness and congestion in chest as if it is full of phlegm (Read more: Chest congestion ... Phlegm can cause hoarseness and irritate the lining of the throat and nose. Find top 6 homeopathic medicines for sinusitis. Mucus-Clear™ is a powerful homeopathic formula that addresses discomfort associated with throat clearing and congestion. But, they can help soothe the symptoms of congestion. Hoarseness can accompany. In my personal experience, I have found some remedies to be more commonly indicated and more effective. It is composed of the combination of Hydrastis Canadensis, Echinacea Angustifolia, Cinnabaris, Kalium bichromicum, Baryta muriatica. Any and every homeopathic medicine that is suitable for a patient will be able to cure the sinus congestion. A cough is a protective reflex action of your body to try to clear mucus or irritants from your airways. ANTIMONIUM ARS works best if the person is having breathlessness due to accumulation of lot of mucus in chest … Hepar sulph: When children experience a sensation as though there was a stick in the throat, or when a sore throat starts after the child is exposed to cold, this medicine should be considered. For instance there was a study published in the journal Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine earlier this year. How to Get Rid of Mucus from Throat. I started him on Brillia Health Cold-Flu Recovery immediately and on the following day he was 70% recovered. Sucking on a 100 mg or 500 mg tablet of vitamin C may be soothing, but be careful not to irritate the tongue or throat. Homeopathy is great at creating balance in your body and helping your body work the way it should naturally! This may sound dangerous, but don't be alarmed - the homeopathic process of potentization successfully dilutes the poison with milk sugar so that the poison is rendered non-toxic. 91-674-2740274 91-9937412150 My son was complaining of weakness, had a low-grade fever, sore throat and nasal congestion. Chelidonium is the best medicine in homeopathy to cure the cancer of mouth, throat and stomach. The homeopathic materia medica has more than 100 remedies which can work effectively to get rid of phlegm in the throat if selected appropriately in a suitable dosage and repetition. They are often characterized by throat cough and cold.