It eliminates the unnecessary bulge around the tummy and melts abdominal fat. Thanks I will be waiting for your response. How do I lose weight using Nigerian diet and little exercise? Because protein foods keep you full longer, reduces cravings, boost your metabolism and help preserve lean muscle mass [5, 6, 7, 8]. For example, an increase in levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, leads to an increase in fat storage in the belly [1]. Well, the amount of calorie that a person should take per day depends on the physical activity, age, height, metabolic health, current weight, and several other factors. An important part of the flat-belly diet is getting in those anti-inflammatory, brain-protecting omega-3s that will help you lose weight and improve your health, and salmon is teeming with them. Snack: A large apple. Nigerian diet for flat stomach. Poor nutrition and malnutrition can cause serious belly fat. to have for lunch on Days 2 through 5. {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}. Here are a few tips for a flat abdominal muscles diet. Reduce intake processed carbs and replace them with whole foods or less processed foods. I asked why she was calling herself name, she said “but it’s the truth, look at my fat belly and body”. To lose the belly fat, you'll have to, as much as possible,  avoid soft drinks including diet sodas. I'll be the unpopular guy and tell you the bitter gospel truth about losing belly fat. Belly fat is stubborn, and hence, you can’t sit idle praying that it goes away. Lunch: Beef with fresh herbs and basil oil (recipe here). Sorry! 6. Some other Nigerian Diet for a flat stomach includes; Fatty fish like Salmon, Sardines, Mackerel is also part of the Nigerian diet for flat stomachs. i am not a fat person, but my belly is too big for my stature . Now, what are the best type of exercise for reducing belly fat? ), (Enter Your E-mail address below and click on the button), Nigerian diet for flat stomach (Lose stubborn belly fat fast! Is the extra belly fat keeping you back on your fitness program? Thanks for this bitter! Before we go into the Nigerian foods that help to reduce belly fat, we’ll look at the factors that promote weight gain. Some studies have suggested that omega-3 fatty acid, in particular, helps reduce the "more dangerous" type of belly fat (Visceral fat). Perhaps you can draw a food time-table or stomach ulcer diet plan from the list. If the number of physical activities you engage in every day reduces and your calorie intake remains the same, you will definitely gain weight. This is the reason am on a searching for ways. That is, you'll lose little fat and plenty of temporary water weight and lean muscle mass. Thanks I will be waiting for your response. All of which encourages fat to be stored around the belly area. How to Meal Prep You Week of Meals: Meal prep the Spinach & Artichoke Salad with Parmesan Vinaigrette (made with flat-belly foods!) 3. Weight training  (or resistance training) has been shown to increase testosterone in the body. Are These 6 Fat Burning Drinks in your Diet? They also fall under processed carbs. Thanks. Thank you so much for your information, it is super helpful, I have gained so much, God bless you. Copyright © 2021 — Nigerian Diet (A Dimaron Media Brand) • All rights reserved. Soft drinks contain a high amount of sugar which is one of the causes of belly fat. As you might be aware, protein is the most important macronutrient when it comes to losing weight. They cause hormonal imbalances, inflammation and Insulin Resistance. Good day, I want to loose belly fat, but I don’t want to loose weight. I want it to be flat with out losing weight how do I go about this. I'm about to reveal the perfect Nigerian diet for flat stomach. Please how can I get a weekly food plan menu, like a time table. Where would you like me to send your Free Calories PDF to? It will really guide me through this journey of losing belly fat. And there are several studies to back up this [2, 3]. Foods to eat for a flat stomach including cayenne pepper, fennel seeds, green tea, asparagus, strawberries, ginger. Indomie Diet (Eating one indomie per day!) To watch your calorie intake and ensure that you lose belly fat completely, you should consider the following foods in your weight loss diet. Nigerian Recipes, Meal Plans, & Dietary Advice. If you do every other thing right including eating healthy, exercising and so on and you're not in a caloric deficit (i.e consuming fewer calories than your body needs) then you won't be seeing any results for your effort. All these help to keep your calorie intake in check. Your email address will not be published. These fibres slow down digestions and improve absorption of nutrients. Excess calorie intake is the number one factor that promotes weight gain. And consuming them causes rise insulin and blood sugar level. FREE Report Reveals: 5 Ridiculously Easy Tricks to "Cheat" Your Way to Fat-Loss, HINT: NO diet change or exercise required (And each of these tricks takes less than 5 mins to implement. Studies show that Sugary beverages lead to increased fat in the liver. Also, processed and refined carbohydrate foods could lead to an increase in belly fat as most of their fibre content has been stripped off. We’ll also go over foods that burn fat to include in your flat stomach diet. Eat your fruit Instead. How do I lose weight using Nigerian diet and little exercise? 5. Healthy Nigerian Foods That Make You Lose Weight And Burn Belly Fat Most Nigerians and Africans in general are putting on weight daily due to high calorie intake? Victoria igwe says: May 9, 2020 at 6:18 pm. Make the conscious effort to move more even it requires to set an alarm that goes off every now and then to remind you. Of course, following those kinds of diet religiously would cause you to lose weight but not much fat. In order to lose your belly fat, there are some herbs that you should include in your daily regime And HIIT is the most efficient way to do Aerobic exercises. This is a collection of pins about Nigerian food for easy and quick weight loss. Diet soda drinkers have a higher percentage of belly fat than those who don’t drink it, a study in the journal Obesity found. The cutting off of refined sugar, thanks a lot! Cucumbers: these delicious green veggies are a component of many Nigerian diet recipes because it can be easily included into hundreds of dishes. The best exercises for belly fat are not jogging or walking (low-intensity exercises) but high-intensity exercises like, Other exercises that can help you maintain your flat stomach is. Both of these imbalance causes more fat to be stored around the belly. Most people make the huge mistake of doing thousands of sit up and other ab workouts. Frequent drinking of fruit juice can also lead to an increase in belly fat [19]. Published by at 27th December 2020. Soft drinks are said to be even worst than high-sugar foods because they are quicker to digest and easier consume more at a goal. Bonus Download: Download Free PDF Document of over 100 Nigerian Foods and their Calorie content. today I am showing you how to make the Flat Stomach Tea combo right in my kitchen. See our flat-belly diet plans for fall, winter, for a vegan diet and for a high-protein diet! There is No such thing as "spot reduction". A drop in estrogen levels can also cause more fat to be stored in the belly. Soft drinks are packed with liquid fructose (sugar), which can easily cause belly fat. Extracted from THE FLAT BELLY DIET by Liz Vaccariello and Cynthia Sass, published by Macmillan on January 9 at £12.99. Fiber food are listed among the nigerian diet for flat tummy becau se it contains 60% of water and over 50% of fiber which means they don't contain sugar, fat and cholesterol which can never make you gain weight. Before starting this flat belly diet (or any diet really! And in no time, you'll end back with all the stomach fat (and more). Abacha is one of the Nigerian foods with low calories and its easily digestible,you should consider eating Abacha regularly,it also a good nigerian diet for a flat stomach. Probiotics may help ulcers heal faster by fighting H.pylori. … Cucumber is also a great standalone product: it also helps you feel full quickly without overeating. ), Which Email Should I Send Your FREE REPORT? 2. That's not all, One research study revealed that people who ate more high-quality protein foods had way less belly fat [9]. Thank you for the good work, I’ll be using almost everything because I want a fast results…my belly fat was caused by after birth weight gain especially since I stopped breastfeeding…but I didn’t take serious, if I had known, I would have been watching my weight. This way, you will stay full for longer periods. Nigerian diet for flat stomach free healthcare and. And try to always sleep before midnight for better quality sleep. Atkins Diet. A calorie deficit will blast belly fat. Especially carbs rich in dietary soluble and viscous fibre. Well, Ab workouts only "build" stomach muscles and not "burn" stomach fat. It eliminates the unnecessary bulge around the tummy and melts abdominal fat. You know some of the causes of belly fat, the next Important thing I want to cover is some familiar costly mistake most people trying to lose belly fat make.... Time and time again, there are some common costly mistakes I see people trying to shed their belly fat make. Some studies showed that fish oil supplement (they contain a significant amount of omega 3) significantly lowered the amount of liver and abdominal fat in people with fatty liver disease [13, 14, 15]. Thanks , how can I get a weekly food plan menu . Nigerian diet for flat stomach (Lose stubborn belly fat fast!) The first step in achieving a flat tummy is to eliminate all junk food from your diet. Also, weight training leads to an increase in lean muscle mass, which helps in consuming and keeping off excess body fat. While staying on a high-protein, low –carbohydrate diet is effective in losing belly fat, you will make little or no progress if you do not engage in exercises daily. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Nigerian foods rich in omega-3 are mostly fatty fish (like salmon, sardines, mackerel, etc) and nuts (like walnuts). In a 6 weeks study [4], participants trained just their abdominal muscles for 6 weeks straight. Besides the obvious 'eating too much', there a couple of other reasons you might be having stomach fat problems. You can take semovita instead of the swallows listed above but do so in moderation. High-Quality Protein Foods. Consuming too much alcohol can lead to an increase in belly fat. As more excess calories get stored in the body, the overall weight of the body increases leading to weight gain. It is important to note that you shouldn’t completely scrap off carbohydrates from your diet when you trying to lose belly fat. There is no special weight loss diet, shortcuts, secret exercise or magic pills for losing belly fat. 5 Ridiculously Easy Tricks to "Cheat" Your Way to Fat-Loss, (And each of these tricks takes less than 5 mins to implement. Thanks so much for this article but i have a question which is, is it safe for a breastfeeding mother to go with this if she wants to lose belly fats. Foods rich in healthy fats in general not only taste delicious but help you lose weight when consumed in moderate amount. Chicken Soup Diet (Eat it thrice a day!) Pasta Chocolate Diet. Cortisol is a very important hormone in the body that has to do with stress. Below are some high-quality Nigerian protein foods. Download Free PDF Document of over 100 Nigerian Foods and their Calorie content. Breakfast: Scrambled eggs and peppers (recipe here). Stress can trigger you to store belly fat. These foods make up the perfect Nigerian diet for a flat stomach. To lose your belly fat you require the old fashion healthy weight loss diet, good exercise program, proper stress management and a good dose of patience. Apr 21, 2019 - We know how difficult it is to lose weight with Nigerian food. Drinking fruit juice is not the same as eating fruits. Reply . Good day, I want to loose belly fat, but I don’t want to loose weight.i am not a fat person, but my belly is too big for my stature . When exercising, you should not only focus on exercises that work the belly but on every part of your body. Flat tummy tea is a premium 100% natural tummy tea with moringa and oolong. High levels of cortisol cause a decrease in testosterone and insulin sensitivity and an increase in blood sugar and insulin levels. Proteins are one of the most important nutrients for weight loss. Take a step back and ask yourself if you really need ALL of that oil in there. Required fields are marked. Much appreciated, thanks. The common relationships between all these diets are: 1. Now it’s not a problem any ... Nigerian diet for flat stomach. Thinking they would somehow burn the fat in the stomach area. Okay so I’m going to share with you all some diet tricks and tips that I use to get my stomach flat, because Nigerian food is nice, but sometimes it can be extremely fattening, and it SHOWS! This way you’ll be able to lose belly fat faster and maintain your flat stomach. Your best bet is to replace the vegetable oil you normally use now in cooking with coconut oil. Aerobic exercise (like walking, running, swimming, etc) has been shown in multiple studies to help in reductions in belly fat [26, 27]. The earlier you get on the diet, the faster and easier it will be for you to lose the weight. Nigerian Diet for Flat Stomach: Expert Recommendations August 21, 2019 NDadmin 1 Comment One of the most pronounced and unattractive signs of excessive weight gain in belly fat. 2. Some studies have revealed that 30 mL (about 2 tablespoons) of coconut oil per day helps reduces belly fat slightly [28, 29]. There is a big connection between Hormone levels and belly fat. Leave a comment below, to let me know which of the tips you'll start using. smoothies for flat tummy in nigeria. If you consume a certain amount of calories to maintain your weight, you must also perform a certain number of physical activities to maintain that weight (burn those calories). Usually, excess alcohol intake leads pot belly which is incredibly difficult to get rid of. The more, the better, but the fruit – a single dish, and not an addition to the bowl of cereal. But first, it won't be out of place to let you in on some little-known causes of stomach fat in the first place. The drastic drop in her estrogen levels, during this period causes more fat to be stored in the belly, rather than on the hips and thighs [2, 3]. See more ideas about nigerian … A healthy and balanced diet is the key to losing weight, the healthy way. Exercising has been shown to not only to be effective in losing belly fat but also help in preventing you from regaining the belly fat [20]. One research study linked an 0.05-inch (0.13-cm) increase in the waistline for every 5-minute increment of sedentary behaviour (  i.e sitting or reclining) [34]. This is what is hindering us from losing weight. Plus, you'll get in a serving of prebiotics via the asparagus to start healing your gut and decrease the inflammation that's causing weight gain. Belly fat affects mostly ladies, but it can also affect men too. This is because there will be excess calories (due to the decreased requirement of energy), and these calories will be stored as fat. There is no special way, shortcuts, secret exercise or magic diet for losing belly fat. Dinner: Chicken breast with brown rice, mushrooms, and asparagus (recipe here). Foods such as egusi and eba, egusi and pounded yam, fufu, akpu, eba, etc are high in carbohydrates. Because high cortisol level causes a drop in testosterone & insulin sensitivity and an increases blog sugar & insulin levels. Like this 16-year study[33] on 68,000 women found that those who slept less than 5 hours per night were significantly more likely to gain weight than those who slept 7 hours (or more) per night. ), complete list of High protein foods you can find in Nigeria Here). good afternoon and thanks a lot for the article but i really really do need a diet plan or something of that sort. A full week of budget friendly recipes to help flatten your stomach. I want it to be flat with out losing do I go about this. Much appreciated, thanks. ° Liz Vaccariello 2009. There are two kinds of belly fat:1. This is because proteins can keep you full for longer periods of time, reduce hunger craving and boost your metabolism. And as you know, stress can lead to hormonal imbalance in the body. (Enter Your E-mail address below and click on the button). I found this article and it’s content very usefull. Im sure this will inspire others and change lives. It affects the digestive health by slowing down digestion and improving the absorption of nutrients. Fruit juices are just disguised sugary drinks. Once your eating habits and diet plan is set, you need to find out the best workout routine for you. 2017-09-27 38 words 1 min read . Subcutaneous: This is fat sits underneath your skin.Excess visceral fat is more harmful than excess subcutaneous fat. The day I asked how she meant, she said “fat body” and that hurt my feelings. 2. 9JATODAY | 9jatoday is an internet news and entertainment media providing trending news in Nigeria, interesting stories, top today news, breaking news, & more 2. HI Mokhaba free nation. Which can, over time, leads to an increase in belly fat (including visceral fat, the most harmful kind of belly fat located inside your organs in your stomach.). So it only makes sense that your belly fat will be the last to go when you start losing weight. Instead, you should control your intake and concentrate more on fibre-rich carbohydrate foods. Foods with high carbohydrate content will lead to significant weight gain and won’t help you lose belly fat. And as we know it, high cortisol levels can lead to an increase in belly fat storage [31, 32]. Visceral: This fat surrounds your organs. Many people follow some crash or weird weight loss diet to lose their belly fat. I find this very useful,looking for weight loss tips and I bumped.into this,will.surely follow it and be patient, Am doing this for my babe, each time I told her how much I love her, she’ll always reply by thanking me for loving her the way she is. Good foods for stomach ulcer/suitable diets for stomach ulcer… 1. For example, an extreme deficiency in dietary protein leads to Kwashiorkor ( an Illness that cause the stomach to swell abnormally). This usually affects women approaching menopause. Instead of counting calories, you can start reducing the amount of food you take and increase the number of exercises you perform per day. Nigerian weight loss diet plan Proteins - an essential element for proper metabolism. )” on this blog. Required fields are marked *. High levels of this hormone lead to an increase in the storage of fat in the belly. To watch your calorie intake and ensure that you lose belly fat completely, you should consider the following foods in your weight loss diet. Well, that’s the question I tried to answer in the whole article. Thank you so much for this amazing article, I used your description and it worked perfectly for me. As always, you can try the whole meal plan out or simple look through and try out a day or even just a … For the majority of people, their belly is the first part that starts increasing when they are starting to gain weight. Wow thanks for these tips…I will stay away from refined sugar at all cost now. Health Weight Loss . Also, other health issues like fibroid and other causes swelling of the stomach. Of course, diet for a flat stomach necessarily involves fruit. As stated above, your calorie intake is one of the main factors that determine how much you weigh. Products that help weight loss. You cannot pick and choose the area of your body you want to burn fat in, unfortunately. So, try to keep stress under control and practice proper stress management. Which can help keep you full longer and reduce your cravings [11]. Check below for the list good and bad foods for stomach ulcer or ulcer patients. A 5-year long study showed a 3.7% decrease in the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity was linked to consuming 10g of soluble fibre daily[12]. For us to lose weight, we must eat in such a way that our body continues to burn […] ... How To Achieve A Flat Stomach With Nigerian Food 37 Low Carb & Non Carbohydrate Foods in Nigeria (Full List), Your email address will not be published. Because stress encourages the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, the stress hormone. If you're dead serious about achieving a flat stomach, here are the foods that should be off your diet: Highly processed carbs have been stripped off most of their fibre content leaving behind just plain sugar. Cardio is good but too much can be very stressful on the body. Other popular Nigerian food/dishes that contain low calories that is essential for weight loss and flat tummy include: As I already pointed out, numerous studies have shown that excess sugar can lead to an increase in the accumulation of fat in both the tummy and liver [30]. Hello, read the blog post titled “Nigerian diet for flat stomach (Lose stubborn belly fat fast! Which are... good old healthy diet, exercise program and proper stress management. Please I hope this works for us because I believe that science is that which works. And more testosterone equals less belly fat  [22, 23, 24, 25]. Snack: A bowl of vegetables (steamed broccoli, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber). Therefore, the diet for a flat stomach needs a good piece of fish with vegetables at least twice a week for lunch. Nigerian diet for weight loss is mainly based on fruits and vegetables, but it doesn’t mean that you’re going to be eating raw veggies all the time – there are plenty of protein foods and even healthy sweets, so sticking to low-calorie Nigerian foods won’t be a chore at all. If you consume a lot of calories and do not make use of these calories by performing an equal number of physical activities, you will definitely gain weight. It's a well-established fact that too much drinking of alcohol can cause an increase in belly fat. If you find yourself gaining weight and watching your stomach protrude, then it’s time for you to get on a diet for a flat stomach. Keep a journal of your daily calorie count to stay on track. If you want to lose belly fat completely, it is best that you reduce or completely stop taking soft drinks. Yes, it should be fine, however, it’s best to check with your doctor. The result is weight gain, especially around stomach area. There was no measurable effect on waist circumference or the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity. If you drink often, just cutting down on alcohol can lead to a significant decrease in your stomach fat. (Check out This weight loss post for more details on calorie deficit). One of the most pronounced and unattractive signs of excessive weight gain in belly fat. Normally, taking excess carbohydrates is the most popular culprit of weight gain, however, other nutrients like proteins can lead to weight gain when taken in excess. I have also highlighted in this article some specific tips than particular help you lose your belly fat faster. 4. Why is it that you find yourself adding weight even when your calorie intake is just at the recommended value? Thanks so much, but how can I get a weekly food plan menu, like a time table. Proteins are one of … For most ladies, it makes it difficult to put on body-fitting clothes as the belly fat does not do any good for their shape. That said, I will be showing a few proven strategies that have been shown to target the fat in the belly area more than other areas of the body. Use good oils like coconut oil, virgin olive oil, avocado oil and palm oil. Another interesting study revealed that protein intake was linked to a lowered risk of belly fat gain over a 5 years period [10], Some Nigerian foods high in quality protein include Egg, fish, Chicken, etc (I have compiled the complete list of High protein foods you can find in Nigeria Here). Good sleep is not only important for many aspects of your health, but also important in dealing with excess body fat (including belly fat). A 10-week long study showed that people who consumed soft drinks high in fructose had a significant increase in belly fat than those who didn't  [16, 17, 18]. Have been striving for a flat stomach for a long time? Consuming these foods will lead to an increase in belly fat, however, you should not completely scrap them. Yoghurt: rich in “good” bacteria called probiotics. A calorie is a unit of energy and it refers to the amount of energy in food. 7. These foods make up the perfect Nigerian diet for a flat stomach. Your email address will not be published. These fibres can be found in most Nigerian vegetables and fruits, as well as legumes (like beans ) and grains (like Oats). Do you wish to possess a six packs (for guys) or totally flat belly (for gals)? These fibres are can also be effective in cutting down harmful belly fat. In fact, several studies have shown a direct correlation between sleep quality and excess fat. You don't always have to wait for exercise time before your move. And if you must drink your fruit, make a smoothie. Restrict you to or promote the use of one type of food. To lose belly fat quickly, here are the types of foods that should make up your Nigerian diet. Once a week - white chicken meat, orange and two egg whites will become an excellent dinner. And other equally powerful tips to help you get rid of stubborn belly fat Fast! Zen Diet Etc! Copyright © 2021 by, all rights reserved. Categories . Replace the junk food with nutrient packed and fiber rich food like. Also another hormonal imbalance example is the one that happens when a woman enters menopause. When you take in more than the recommended calories per day, the excess calories in the body get stored as fat. Fibre is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be completely broken down by human digestive enzymes. Why are you putting all of that oil in your stew Stop it. Flat tummy slimming tea in nigeria for sale prices on jiji. So stay away from adding refined sugar to your foods. Moving more is cheat code to prevent and drop some serious weight (including belly fat). Just calm down. In essence, to get rid of excess fat, try to get at least 7 hours of deep sleep. Because exercising helps in lower blood sugar, reduce inflammation and help improve your metabolism [21]. Nigerian Diet for Flat Abdominal muscles Are you thinking about a flat abdominal muscles diet? The best way to make a flat stomach are apples and pears, oranges. You must add some regular aerobic exercises like cardio and jogging . Nigerian Diet for Flat Stomach: Expert Recommendations, Eggs: Most of the proteins can be found egg whites, however, egg yolk contains other beneficial vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. ), an important thing to do is to calculate the calories your body needs. Restriction from eating at least three meals per day.