Lovely as an angel, beautiful as a rose - don't ever quit taking delight in her body. The Message; Proverbs 19 ... 19 Let angry people endure the backlash of their own anger; if you try to make it better, you'll only make it worse. Read verse in The Message Bible Proverbs 4:16. Enjoy the wife you married as a young man! Proverbs 19 The Message Bible << Proverbs 18 | Proverbs 19 | Proverbs 20 >> 19 1 Better to be poor and honest than a rich person no one can trust. Ignorant zeal is worthless; haste makes waste. Close << Proverbs 18 | Proverbs 19 | Proverbs 20 >> 8 Grow a wise heart - you'll do yourself a favor; keep a clear head - you'll find a good life. A foolish child is a calamity to a father; a quarrelsome wife is as annoying as constant dripping. We see in this poor man, someone who is poor in earthly goods only. Proverbs 4:17. i. e., Bread and wine gained by unjust deeds. Earn a reputation for living well in God’s eyes and the eyes of the people. If You Quit Listening 1 Better to be poor and honest than a rich person no one can trust. 2 Ignorant zeal is worthless; haste makes waste. Better is the poor who walks in his integrity Than one who is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.. a. Proverbs 5:18-19 Bless your fresh-flowing fountain! Read verse in … Read verse in The Message Bible She is thy life - Another parallel between personified Wisdom in this book and the Incarnate Wisdom in John 1:4. 3 People ruin their lives by their own stupidity, so why does God always get blamed? Don’t Assume You Know It All - Good friend, don’t forget all I’ve taught you; take to heart my commands. Never take her love for granted! 20 Take good counsel and accept correction— that's the way to live wisely and well. Sin is the condition without which there can be no repose. A fearful stage of debasement. Fathers can give their sons an inheritance of houses and wealth, but only the … Proverbs 19 Better the poor whose walk is blameless than a fool whose lips are perverse. He walks in his integrity; lets us know that he is not willing to gain the world's goods by any hook or crook. 20 Valuables are safe in a wise person's home; fools put it all out for yard sales. Proverbs 19 – Fools and Family Life Proverbs 19:1. Tie them around your neck; carve their initials on your heart. Proverbs 19-21 The Message Bible << Proverbs 18 | Proverbs 19-21 | Proverbs 22 >> 19 1 Better to be poor and honest than a rich person no one can trust. Proverbs 19 Better to be poor and honest than a rich person no one can trust. 18 What a bad person plots against the good, boomerangs; the plotter gets it in the end. The pursuit of pleasure is never satisfied. Proverbs 19:1 "Better [is] the poor that walketh in his integrity, than [he that is] perverse in his lips, and is a fool." 2 Ignorant zeal is worthless; haste makes waste. Proverbs 19:8 The Message Bible. They’ll help you live a long, long time, a long life lived full and well. Published by permission. Proverbs 20. 2 Ignorant zeal is worthless; haste makes waste. Desire without knowledge is not good— how much more will hasty feet miss the way! Proverbs 18. 19 Better to live in a tent in the wild than with a cross and petulant spouse. Don’t lose your grip on Love and Loyalty. Originally published by NavPress in English as THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language copyright 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Proverbs. THE MESSAGE Proverbs 19. Compare Amos 2:8. 3 People ruin their lives by their own stupidity, so why does God always get blamed? Proverbs 4:13.