An international appeal launched among the public in 2000 raised €2 million, in addition to the €19 million from the State, and 50,000 trees were planted. The insurrection and its outcomes are most commonly referred to by historians of the Revolution simply as "the 10 August"; other common designations include "the day of the 10 August" (French: journée du 10 août) or "the Second Revolution". A coordinating committee had been formed of one federal from each department. Before even a single shot had been fired, the royal family were in retreat across the gardens to the door of the Assembly. Eighty-three of these were fédérés, and two hundred and eighty-five members of these were the National Guard: common citizens from every branch of the trading and working classes of Paris, including hair-dressers, harness-makers, carpenters, joiners, house-painters, tailors, hatters, boot-makers, locksmiths, laundry-men, and domestic servants. Conflict between King Louis XVI of France and the country's new revolutionary Legislative Assembly increased through the spring and … Welcome to part 2 of the Women's March to Versailles which occurred over two days (October 5-6, 1789). On October 5, one young woman began beating a drum at the market in eastern Paris. [4] When the King formed a new cabinet mostly of constitutional monarchists (Feuillants), this widened the breach between the King and the Assembly and the majority of the common people of Paris. Louis XIV commissioned the original designer, André Le Nôtre, to expand the grounds of the palace. We think that we do not merit such an insult. It was postponed both times through the efforts of Pétion, who was to present the section petitions to the Assembly on 3 August. For the Parisian nobility, it was 10 August 1792 rather than 14 July 1789 that marked the end of the ancien régime. The King vetoed the decrees and dismissed Girondists from the Ministry. "Passive" citizens were admitted to meetings, justices of the peace and police officers dismissed and the assemblée générale of the Section became, in some cases, a "people's court", while a new comité de surveillance hunted down counter-revolutionaries. [37], The victors of 10 August were concerned with establishing their dictatorship. The storm of 1999 was rightly considered a natural disaster but, paradoxically, also proved over time to be a rare opportunity. The main body of Swiss Guards fell back through the palace and retreated under fire through the gardens at the rear of the building. [18] The resolution stated that "When the People puts itself into a state of insurrection, it withdraws all powers and takes it to itself. Six days later the Assembly declared la patrie est en danger (the homeland is in danger). By overthrowing the monarchy, the popular movement had effectively issued a challenge to the whole of Europe; internally, the declaration of war and overthrow of the monarchy radicalized the Revolution. Last but not least, the Palace gardens were replanted according to their state during the reign of Louis XIV. The Palace of Versailles in an enchanting place where art and nature are perfectly combined. The conflict led France to abolish the monarchy and establish a republic. After achieving one of their demands: getting the king (Louis XVI) … It was garrisoned by the only regular troops on either side—950 veteran Swiss mercenaries of the Gardes Suisse; these were backed by 930 gendarmes, 2,000 national guards, and 200–300 Chevaliers de Saint Louis, and other royalist volunteers. Palace of Versailles - Palace of Versailles - History: Until Louis XIV’s time, the town of Versailles comprised but a few houses to the south of the present Place d’Armes. The insurgents penetrated as far as the vestibule, where they were met by a less friendly group of Swiss defenders of the château, commanded by officers of the Court. [12], The Fédérés set up a central committee and a secret directory that included some of the Parisian leaders and to assure direct contact with the sections. An advance guard consisting of men, women, and children, all armed with cutters, cudgels, and pikes, spread over the abandoned Carrousel, and around eight o'clock the advance column, led by Westermann, was in front of the palace. In the Assembly, Danton concluded the most famous of all his speeches: "De l’audace, encore de l’audace, toujours de l’audace, et la France est sauvée!" The walls of Paris were plastered with recruiting posters whose opening sentence, "To arms, citizens, the enemy is at our gates!" In December 1999 France was hit, most unusually, by a hurricane, and the estate of Versailles suffered serious damage. Two female combatants were among the wounded. The king was hunting in Meudon and the queen was in the Trianon palace. The small lodge was the beginning of an extremely huge palace that would cost the … When the queen found out about her people starving she supposedly said her famous line "let them eat cake". Armed with kitchen knives, pikes and other rudimentary weapons, they marched to Versailles in six hours, their numbers swelling into the thousands as they went. Snow blankets Palace of Versailles 17 January 2021, 12:28 pm Aerial footage showed the first snow of the year blanketing the Palace of Versailles in Versailles, France, on Jan. 16. "[19], The king had failed to buy off the popular leaders. The two bodies confronted each other for some time, without either of them making a definitive move. Women Storm the Palace of Versailles On October 5th 1789, 7,000, women march outside of the Palace of Versailles demanding that they pass out bread. On 30 July a decree admitted passive citizens to the National Guard. Those who had participated in the insurrection or who approved it were few in number, a minority resolved to crush counter-revolution by any means. It is located in the city of Versailles in northern France, 10 miles (16 km) west-southwest of Paris. The Fédérés were reluctant to leave Paris before a decisive blow had been struck, and the arrival on 25 July of 300 from Brest and five days later of 500 Marseillais, who made the streets of Paris echo with the song to which they gave their name, provided the revolutionaries with a formidable force. [19], At about seven a.m. the head of the federal column was seen debouching on the back of the palace, there was no one to order the defense. Driven to desperation by food shortages, they hoped the king would intervene – … Behind him, quarrels were breaking out in the ranks. [20] Five thousand men should have been an ample defense; though it appears that, by some oversight, they were seriously short of ammunition. "[33][page needed] This is more or less confirmed in the memoirs of Pauline de Tourzel, who states that when the mob entered the chamber where the ladies-in-waiting were gathered, the Princesse de Tarente approached one of the rebels and asked for his protection for her colleagues Madame de Ginestous and Pauline de Tourzel, upon which he replied: "We do not fight with women; go, all of you, if you choose". The means of defense had been diminished by the departure of a detachment of National Guardsmen who escorted the royal family to the National Assembly. [40], To convince the revolutionaries that the insurrection of 10 August had decided nothing, the Prussian army crossed the French frontier on the 16th. Once more the sans-culottes responded and in the next three weeks, 20,000 marched from Paris for the defence of the Revolution. [24] "We are Swiss, the Swiss do not part with their arms but with their lives. [24][27] As at the Bastille, the cry of "Treachery!" On the right bank of the river, the battalions of the Faubourg Saint-Antoine, and, on the left, those of the Faubourg Saint-Marcel, the Bretons, and the Marseilles fédérés, marched forth as freely as if going to parade. Between six and seven in the morning this farcical situation was brought to an end. This post will now focus on the storming of Versailles which occurred on the 6th. Louis made no reply and went back to the Tuileries. "[15] This Brunswick Manifesto became known in Paris on 1 August and heated the republican spirit to revolutionary fury. Several dozens of windows in the Palace had been broken and various roofs had been blown off. [19], Pétion, the mayor of Paris, Roederer the prosecutor of the Paris department, and Mandat, the commander of the National Guard and the officer in charge of the troops detailed for the defense of the Tuileries. [34], The total losses on the king's side were perhaps eight hundred. A few of the assailants advanced amicably, and, in what was taken by the revolutionaries to be a gesture of encouragement, some of the Swiss threw some cartridges from the windows as a token of peace. At first, things seemed to be going well. Louis XV added many new apartments and destroyed the Ambassadors' chair, but did not change the Gardens. [14], On 1 August came news of a manifesto signed by the Duke of Brunswick, threatening as it did summary justice on the people of Paris if Louis and his family were harmed: "they will wreak an exemplary and forever memorable vengeance, by giving up the city of Paris to a military execution, and total destruction, and the rebels guilty of assassinations, to the execution that they have merited. "[33][page needed] As the queen's entire household was gathered in her apartment, this may also have included female servants. A week later the powerful fortress of Longwy fell so quickly that Vergniaud declared it to "have been handed over to the enemy." Roederer's first act was to assure the royal family that there would be no attack. The legal body, by recalling the officer in charge of the troops at the Tuileries, disorganized its defense. Interestingly, they described details of the garden, such as a window and a bridge, that were known to exist … Louis XV moved the court back to Versailles (from Paris) in June of 1722, and attained his majority as King the following year. Versailles is one of the largest, most elaborate, royal palaces ever built. Its members have sworn to die in maintaining the rights of the people, and the constituted authorities." By the end of the month the Prussians were at Verdun, the last fortress barring the road to Paris. The initial battles were a disaster for the French, and Prussia joined Austria in active alliance against France, eventually declaring war on France on 13 June. [39] The volunteers were preparing to leave to the front and the rumors spread rapidly that their departure was to be the signal for prisoners to stage an uprising. Not all sections opposed the king, but passive citizens joined them, and on the 30th the section of the Théâtre Français gave all its members the right to vote. [26] The Swiss, firing from above, cleaned out the vestibule and the courts, rushed down into the square and seized the cannon; the insurgents scattered out of range. At many places that had been ordered guarded, no resistance was put up at all, like at the Arcade Saint-Jean, the passages of the bridges, alongside the quays, and in the court of the Louvre. However, its opening hours vary according to the high and low tourist season. By mid-July the Fédérés were petitioning the Assembly to dethrone the king. Palace of Versailles Versailles, France The scale, height and pure lines of the Orangery, which sits just below the Palace, make it one of Jules Hardouin-Mansart 's crowning achievements, demonstrating his talent as a great architect. From the film "La Révolution française (1989) Part 1". A progressive replanting campaign launched on the Estate in 1991 had been met with reserve by both the public and certain scientists, who were concerned about spoiling the historical sites. But Chabot reminded him that the assembly could not deliberate in the presence of the king, and Louis retired with his family and ministers into the reporter's box behind the president. Aerial footage showed the first snow of the year blanketing the Palace of Versailles in Versailles, France, on Jan. 16. His command was transferred to Santerre. These events happened on 16 June when Lafayette sent a letter to the Assembly, recommending suppression of "anarchists" and political clubs in the capital. [42], Significant civil and political events by year, Camille Bloch, ed., La Révolution Française, no. The palace was easy to defend. The King rejected all suggestions of escape from Lafayette, the man who had long presided over his imprisonment. The attackers assumed that they had been drawn into a deliberate ambush and henceforth the Swiss were the subject of violent hatred on the part of sans-culottes. His supporters had anticipated and prepared for the attack long beforehand, and were confident of success. Tensions accelerated dramatically on August 1 when news reached Paris that the commander of the allied Prussian and Austrian armies had issued the Brunswick Manifesto, threatening "unforgettable vengeance" on Paris should harm be done to the French Monarchy. [31], The crisis of the summer of 1792 was a major turning-point of the Revolution. [21] Mandat knew nothing of the formation of the Insurrectional Commune, and thus he departed without any escort. While the high season extends from the end of spring to the beginning of autumn, the low season goes on through autumn in … During the night of 25 to 26 December 1999, winds of 210 km/h blasted through Versailles for two hours. The assault on the Palace begun at eight o'clock in the morning. As soon as the insurrection was definitely victorious, the Assembly announced the suspension of the King. But because the new Commune, composed of unknowns, hesitated to alarm the provinces, the Girondins were kept and the Revolution was mired in compromise. The Design of Versailles. [18] Mandat, the commander of the National Guard, was not very sure of his forces, but the tone of his orders was so resolute that it seemed to steady the troops. Don't disgrace the nation! It was with this second, fiercer storm that the decade and century came to an end. ", shouted Westermann in German. Discover the history of the Palace of Versailles and its characters in this illustrated video for young and old alike ! [36], Over half of the Legislative Assembly's members fled and on the evening 10 August only 284 deputies were in their seats. The app includes the audioguide tour of the Palace and an interactive map of the Estate. Twenty years after the terrible storm of 1999, the Palace is set on showcasing the most exceptional trees in terms of their age, size and beauty. [41], On 2 September the alarm gun was fired and drums beat the citizens to their Sections again. A Paris mob invaded the palace on 5-6 October 1789, and Louis and his family were forced to return to Paris. Once the crowd arrived at Versailles they demanded to meet the king. The king then took his seat next to the president. Campan also mentioned two maids outside of this room, neither of whom was killed despite a male member of the staff being murdered beside them. Saint Leu stone is also helly stone, it is soft when extracted but hardens on drying and is very hard-wearing. So long as the issue was doubtful, Louis XVI was treated like a king. King Louis XIV, the Sun King, spent nearly 50 years expanding the palace, and in1682, he moved both the royal residence and French seat of government to Versailles. Within this body soon appeared a secret committee of five members. A small group of women met with the king. During these difficult times, the Palace needs your support more than ever. On 28 June, general Lafayette left his post with the army and appeared before the Assembly to call on the deputies to dissolve the Jacobin Club and punish those who were responsible for the demonstration of 20 June. [citation needed] He rejected the last-minute advice, not only of Vergniaud and Guadet, now alarmed by a turn of affairs they brought about and also of his loyal old minister Malesherbes, to abdicate the throne. The popular journée of 20 June 1792 was organized to put pressure on the King. His second act, when a series of bulletins from Blondel, the secretary of the department, made it clear that an attack was imminent, was to persuade Louis to abandon the defense of the palace and to put himself under the protection of the assembly. [8], A decree of 2 July authorized national guards, many of whom were already on their way to Paris, to come for the Federation ceremony. No female members of the court seem to have been killed during the massacre. It can be used without an Internet connection. He was determined to defend the Tuileries. The Insurrectional Commune informed the municipal body, in a formally worded resolution, that they had decided upon its suspension; but they would retain the mayor (Pétion), the prosecutor (Manuel), the deputy-prosecutor (Danton), and the administrators in their executive functions. The crowd burnt him in effigy at the Palais-Royal. was the reply. The storms of 1990 and 1999 only further highlighted the advanced state of deterioration of the plant life. To obey this order in the midst of heavy fighting meant almost certain death and the Swiss officers in command did not immediately act upon it. Police spies reported to the commune that underground passages had been constructed by which additional troops could be secretly introduced from their barracks. The site of royal decadence and debaucheries before the French Revolution, the Palace of Versailles – now a grand museum – is one of the most visited attractions in France, second only to the Eiffel Tower.With its chandelier-laden Hall of Mirrors and roughly 2300 rooms filled with paintings, tapestries and other treasures, it's a sight to behold. At the Palace in Versailles After six hours of marching in the pouring rain, the crowd arrived at the king's palace in Versailles. The conflict led France to abolish the monarchy and establish a republic. Version Française ici : [25] The two bodies of troops remained facing each other on the staircase for forty-five minutes. ... Before a vote at the Palace of Versailles, King Louis XVI locked the Third Estate out of the estates-general. If the regiment is no longer wanted, let it be legally discharged. Vaugeois of Blois, Debesse of The Drome, Guillaume of Caen, and Simon of Strasbourg were names nearly unknown to history: but they were the creators of a movement that shook France. More than 10,000 of the 200,000 trees had been affected, having either been split or uprooted. and "A bas le véto!". The Marseillais rushed in, fraternized with the gunners of the National Guard, reached the vestibule, ascended the grand staircase, and called on the Swiss Guard to surrender. [16] Of the forty-eight sections of Paris, all but one concurred. [8], 14 July had saved the Constitutional Assembly, 10 August passed sentence on the Legislative Assembly: the day's victors intended to dissolve the Assembly and keep power in their own hands. [13] Daily meetings were held by the individual sections, and on 25 July the assembly authorized continuous sessions for them. [9] Banners were placed in the public squares, with the .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, Would you allow foreign hordes to spread like a destroying torrent over your countryside! [19], Hating violence, and dreading bloodshed, Louis listened willingly to Roederer's suggestion that he should abandon the defense of the palace. Then the Swiss attacked, stepped over the corpses, seized the cannon, recovered possession of the royal entrance, crossed the Place du Carrousel, and even carried off the guns drawn up there. But it was the park which had suffered the most. The terrible storm of 1999 devastated the park of Versailles – 10,000 trees were lost and the damage was estimated at 250 million francs – but nevertheless allowed the possibility of restoring it to its original condition to be considered once again; the project had been started ten years earlier, after another storm, but had run up against resistance. But we will not leave our post, nor will we let our arms be taken from us. According to Malouet, thirty-seven thousand livres had been paid to Pétion and Santerre for worthless promises to stop the insurrection. This huge and magnificent palace started as a hunting lodge that was built for King Louis XIII in 1624. A plan of defense, drawn up by a professional soldier, had been adopted by the Paris department on 25 June: for it was their official duty to safeguard the Executive Power. [3], The Legislative Assembly passed decrees sentencing any priest denounced by 20 citizens to immediate deportation (27 May), dissolving the King's guard because it was manned by aristocrats (29 May), and establishing in the vicinity of Paris a camp of 20,000 Fédérés (8 June). [8], The municipality was already in session. However, land was given to the lords of the court, and new buildings sprang up, chiefly in the north quarter. The storming of The Bastille and the storming of Versailles where similar because they where both acts of rebelling against the monarchy. They were brought to a halt near the central Round Pond, broken into smaller groups and slaughtered. Batesford Ltd, London 1965, M.J. Sydenham, page 111 "The French Revolution", B.T. The King's note was then produced and the defenders were ordered to disengage. Events since 1789 had brought difference and divisions: many had followed the refractory priests; of those who remained loyal to the revolution some criticized 10 August while others stood by, fearing the day's aftermath. The Palace of Versailles is open to public throughout the year. During the night 28 sections answered this invitation. That they devastate our fatherland through fire and murder! The queen sat at the bar of the House, with the Dauphin on her knees. On 4 August, the section of the Quinze-Vingts, the Faubourg Saint-Antoine, gave the Legislative assembly an ultimatum: until 9 August to prove itself. Louis, sleepily reviewing his garrison, "in full dress, with his sword at his side, but with the powder falling out his hair," was greeted by some of the National Guards with cries of "Vive la nation!" The Palace of Versailles underwent many transformations under the rule of Louis XV, but not as many changes occured as during the rule of Louis XIV. Once a year on ‘maintenance day’, the water parterre reservoirs are emptied a few weeks before the Fountains show. By this means he put the idea of deposing the King into the minds of the public. Located away from the city of Paris, as if he wanted to protect the monarchy from the quivers and the conspiracies of the capital, the stunning palace is a symbol of power. Louis, hearing from the manége the sound of firing, wrote on a scrap of paper: "The king orders the Swiss to lay down their arms at once, and to retire to their barracks." [31] Out of the nine hundred Swiss only three hundred survived, and of these an estimated two hundred either died of their wounds in prison or during the September Massacres that followed. The gendarmerie left their posts, crying "Vive la nation! [21], The incentive for resistance fell away with the king's departure. Conflict between King Louis XVI of France and the country's new revolutionary Legislative Assembly increased through the spring and summer of 1792 as Louis vetoed radical measures voted upon by the Assembly. The illegal body organized the attack on Tuileries. There was a rumor going around that the queen, Marie Antoinette was hording a bunch of grain. On August 10th, the National Guard of the Paris Commune and fédérés from Marseille and Brittany stormed the King's residence in the Tuileries Palace in Paris, which was defended by the Swiss Guards.