Lets design housing that allows people to get to know their neighbours. Less than five metres in radius, St Andrews Beach House is an object in the landscape. The consumer is obliged to take the entire sheet with them and therefore the consumer takes the sawdust, which they can use as garden mulch, cat litter, etc.... It’s a table, but it is also a building unit. We ask users to be the authors of their spaces and their city. The craftsmanship of the white metal shingles, each one hand-finished and hand fixed with mathematical precision, is the distinguishing feature of Empire House. Instead we focused on the conservatory idea; a glass house which brings the outdoors inside, with responsive sliding shade awnings to shield from too much sun. While I own a few of their beautiful pens and pencils, I am most interested in their watercolour pencils. They wanted a light and airy house, with a “strong and positive vibe”, to entertain friends and family and also to relax and meditate. Since 1989 they have cemented their position as a market leader and built a reputation for excellence and efficiency. A new baby often pushes us to conservatism and conformity. The kitchen sits on the original floor height therefore the bench is 450 millimetres above the new toy-box floor. Now that’s what I call an appalling waste. This has been resisted. The Ilma Grove house is one of our greenest houses. I paint too many botanicals to keep away from g... Holbein from Japan has been making watercolour since the early1920s. LowE coated double glazed throughout the house ensures that heat is retained in winter and reduces the penetration of heat in summer. Melbourne’s property market is so inflated, that we’re now seeing a generation that are not only unable to buy a home, but also struggling to find affordable places to rent close to their work, school and community. We wanted a super modern, high performing, highly sustainable, longterm family home, with the ability to change and adapt over time. Its modular nature allows it to be repaired easily by replacing discrete components, without the risk of having the entire unit become redundant. Both houses were in need of repair and update. The kitchen bench becomes the landing between the 2 flights. Half timber bench top, half stainless steel, it is both homely and commercial. It is the new room of the typical suburban house. The rooms were completely internalised and the floor plan convoluted, with entry and exit point that cut directly through rooms which lacked windows and fresh air. But surely we can do that without erasing the rich built fabric in the area. Pallets and other timber packaging frequently end up in landfill sites or are pulverised into low-grade mulch. Our story was born in 2004, with a lot of grit and a couple of friends’ idea to rescue some really amazing wood from winding up in a landfill. I took vitamin D deficiency into account when renovating my home. The slate contractors (Slate Roof Service Company) engaged to clad Charles are responsible for the care and maintenance of some of Melbourne's most important heritage buildings, including the Victorian Parliament and Carlton Garden’s Exhibition Building. We’ve upholstered a seat under a flap on the kitchen bench so that there can be one extra seat at the dining table when visitors are over, or when Louis wants to cook with Mum. At street-view the shingled, simple and domestic scale garage appears to be the house, in its entirety. It is both inside and outside. Think of your body as an asset to be inherited by your family, with the value of ‘the product’ – your cadaver – dependent on the investment made during your lifetime. Insulation, a sheltering context and well-designed sunshading makes the design an efficient home without the use of elaborate tactics or expensive equipment. How many times have you seen huge windows with their blinds permanently down? We pancake our homes. It takes a lot of effort be a good neighbour and it's often a thankless task. In place of the old binary layout of external vs internal, the house is now articulated as three masses - the original dwelling, addition and garage, each punctuated by outside space. Much in the same way that one can apply a temporary tattoo or henna to their skin. Caran D'Ache create a number of different ranges of pencils, pens, fountain pens, crayons and other art and office materials. A planned community rises at the foot of the Arlington city landfill. Frequently the windows are setback within the frame of the wall, sometimes flush and occasionally extruding beyond the timber frame. S+P and their 8 year old twin sons asked for a home “for community, art and nature to come together”. All of this drastically reducing the need for artificial heating and cooling, and reduces the ongoing environmental and financial running costs of every home at Slate house. -Tank water used to irrigate garden and for toilets. Even if the City did own it, $5k/year is an insulting rent for 10 acres, on top of a land fill or not. Neither does it need a direct copy of heritage structures. I would turn the lights on at 4pm during winter and some rooms needed artificial lighting even on the brightest summer days. Car parks are removed from the direct vicinity of the museum. “We needed an architect with vision as we were specific about the things we wanted the house to include. 16 wonderful designs were received from the Art Day South artists. Their target is your sanity. My-House lets in sunlight where a house should not. The brief, and Consultation / Design Ideas documents were a catalyst forour design approach to this building. The funeral parlour becomes a factory for product handing, processing and quality control. Often it is when a building is at its most beautiful. Landscape designBush Projects and Andrew Maynard Architects, PHOTOGRAPHERSPeter Bennetts Studio / studio@peterbennetts.comTess Kelly / contact@tesskelly.net. They did not want to leave. That was easy. The main addition sits as though it was dropped from the sky; whereby the new sits detached from the old, allowing a conversation between masses. Housing affordability, childcare and aged-care offer some of the biggest challenges in Australian society. But the biggest stroke of luck was meeting  Andrew and Mark and the Austin Maynard Team. The Styx Valley Forest is a pristine wilderness in south western Tasmania. Our clientsapproached us with a brief for ‘much more room’ for their ‘aging’ family holiday home. I really like the ethos of this company. Commendation - Residential architecture award, Victorian Architecture awards 2015. Terrace House fills a much needed gap in the housing market. Blinds, lights, fans and HVAC can be controlled from anywhere. The original terrace remains with all of its problems and charms, yet the new extension is a bright, elaborate greenhouse. The approach taken for the Mash House is one which, despite first impressions, celebrates the backyard. This diversity surrounds one of the finest neo-classical buildings in Australia, The Fitzroy Town Hall, one block form King Bill. The house is sited on the southern edge of an east/west block, to provide all the living spaces northern sun and direct access to the garden. The old timber decking was recycled and re-used internally. The terrace has high ceilings and small windows. Windows are all double glazed and have protection - awnings, external blinds and adjustable louvres - designed to optimise passive solar gain in winter whilst minimising solar gain in summer, thereby drastically reducing demands on mechanical heating and cooling. All this, plus a landfill right across the street. The central space, between the dining area and the studio, is an unclad frame within and surrounded by garden. Three walls swing open to realise the ability for this unassuming box to engage with the public. Further to this, the spotted gum cladding of the new placates the robust masonry of the existing. The delivery – a literal translation of the owners’ request for something that is “ridiculously inside-out” – was on point. With HOUSE House we deliberately created two separate forms. The use of a singular material highlights the additions, particularly in the old stable building where the clean white steel contrasts with the original old brick. Walls are partially removed and carpets pulled back, openings expand allowing sun to infiltrate deep into the old terrace. The extension was to be as open as possible so that when one crosses the threshold between the original and new structures they felt as though they were entering a covered deck rather than additional internalised space. Viridian, being already on the island, is the first to get off the starting blocks. The design of Terrace House is a direct response to Brunswick’s rich and diverse built heritage. The site holds so much promise when there is nothing more than a timber or steel frame. The tired lean-to which housedthe kitchen, bathroom, dining and laundry was removed. This is a truly adaptable space that can either extend the families living areas, or be closed off to be its own independent zone. At Grant House we have continued to consider and tackle changing needs and design spaces that have flexibility, future-proofing the use of the house without demolition and re-construction. At Slate House we are crafting a series of homes that learn from its context. Their’s was the location that we all dreamed of as young adults. To combat this we introduced a black graphic to the facade that either makes the tag invisible or alternatively can be quickly painted over to discourage additional tagging. We produce spaces that, though familiar in many parts of the world, are unfamiliar in Australia; tall, cavernous spaces with light cascading from above. How do we make the most of this constantly renewing resource? The spiral stair adds further sculptural interest. A dedicated workspace is required. The 1980s renovation failed to solve the big problem terrace houses suffer from; an entry way filled with junk, dark corridors past private bedrooms and windowless walk-through living zones. A bedroom can be far more than just a dark space at the quiet end of your home. Rather than repeating past mistakes and extending from the rear in a new configuration, the proposal was to build a new structure on the rear boundary, the southern edge of the block, upon the footprint of what had been, until now, the back yard. Working around the trees resulted in a re-thinking of the typical circulation path. How Landfills Work. Location. Should needs change, or to maximise resale, the retreat can easily become two bedrooms and a bathroom with the use of strategically placed partitions. Arguably too large for an apartment. Our practice is interested in the possibility of malleable and mobile space, especially in residential design. Overall, the design offers a sound, albeit simple solution to a rather challenging suburban site. Within the robust portals is the delicate layered box. My-House is an experiment that I live in. Light streams into the top of the central stairwell, down two storeys into the centre of the house through perforated steel, netting and voids. Passive solar principals are maximised by the design. At Slate House we’ve employed timeless techniques to create beautiful sustainable homes. Spaces such as the site of KMSS are important to Maynard. Less than five metres in radius, St Andrews Beach House is an object in the landscape. Fitzroy is not nostalgic about its heritage, it engages with it. Democracy is a weird creature. It neither dominates nor does it obscure, instead it is light and transparent. Side note about the trash bags: I haven't been able to find compostable trash bags in ~13 gallon sizes thicker than 0.87 Mil. Construction was difficult as shifting sands required deep footings. Non Sequitur 01: Charnel HouseBy Andrew Maynard. Relationship of the project to its site and context. Mon–Sat: 7:00am – 4:30pm Sun: Closed Union is a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom family house with a study, a basement rumpus room, a roof deck and a carport. -17kW of solar panels, facing North, East and West - to maximise solar output throughout the day. The ‘street’ and the Forum are vertical and horizontal spaces that tie the ‘houses’ together. Viridian Note 00396: Jolly News for the New Year Key concepts: methane in Earth's atmosphere stabilizes for no apparent reason Attention Conservation Notice: Errs on the side of the life-affirming in a frank attempt to keep people's hopes up. In the centre a beautiful Studio Italia bench provides further storage. Though the building is precise, following the rigid geometry of a circle, staying here provides a complete escape from regular life. The owners came to us with a highly detailed and specific brief. Yellow is slightly brighter than it appears here and Golden Yellow is a classic clean deep yellow colour. Slightly submerged, the desk is almost buried in the garden. The kitchen bench and the island bench demonstrate the capacity of smaller singular element’s ability to help define a space, without needing a physical barrier. IMAGE 06 - View from the top of the stairs. Over the years, the colour range has expanded and the bottles have changed size from 35ml to 50ml. On the hottest of days a large blue external blind covers the clear Thermoclick roof to create a cool shaded interior. Deliberately flirting with notions of the incomplete and the partially demolished, this project has a dynamism that lets the user take advantage of the best the climate offers, while also offering shelter when it needs to. How do you get light and air into the home and make it sustainable? In the kitchen there’s a hidden pantry, appliance storage shelves and food preparation area. If you look closely elsewhere in the house you will find numerous “Easter Eggs” following the same theme. With the windows and the skylight closed, the clear roof creates an ideal greenhouse effect which heats the house during the day. The house has multiple outlooks. The recycled grey iron bark portal frames are of a larger, non-domestic scale. Tower House is village externally and a home internally. They are now called 'Artist Inks' but have the same properties as the original 'Document Inks'. Beyond is the park. A skylight high in the ceiling passively vents any excess heat, which travels up the skillion roof and naturally exits without need for mechanical ventilation. 194 respondents expressed a willingness to purchase homes designed by Austin Maynard Architects at 209 Sydney Road. The tight budget generated many of the design decisions. The rear facade filters and softens the strong sunlight that had previously dominated the backyard. Below is a rumpus room, a study and a multifunctional utility/garage space. Russet is a lovely colour but not as crimson as it looks here - more of a burnt coral colour. High performance insulation is everywhere, even in the walls of the original house. The language of the extension has a distinctive diurnal cycle. Instead of clearing the site (the easy option), great care, consideration and even greater lengths were taken to save the trees. What if we build a tall thin structure that maximises the modest backyard? In the garage a lift provides direct access to all three floors, concealed within the kitchen cabinetry at the third floor level. Aquarius Watercolour - Hematite, Hematite Brown Shade. Caran d'Ache Museum pencils - Steel Grey, Payne's Grey, Slate Grey, Ivory Black, Black. A spiral staircase leads up to a bathroom and three bedrooms, with a bright colour carpet chosen by each child. I have discussed this phenomena with my own doctor. What if parliament's spatial condition is changeable by those that are dissatisfied and marginalised as well as those that are pleased with the contributions of elected representatives? The garage door can be removed and replaced, to create a generous entry into a lounge, or alternatively the owners daughter may choose to start a business on the ground floor and simply replace the garage door with a glazed shop front. Like everyone involved in Terrace House, Tony has put his money where his mouth is to ensure that Brunswick, and Melbourne, create an ethical, sustainable and affordable future. As an architectural ‘operation’, it’s akin to keyhole surgery. Adaptable, complex areas allow us to make the most of our space, while keeping our homes modest in size and enabling us to have large, well-connected outdoor spaces and gardens. Ultramarine has cobalt blue as an additional pigment which is unusual. Well designed compact homes orientated towards generous outdoor spaces are far healthier than huge homes that internalise all functions and fill the site. We try to make the connection of each space adaptable and loose. Whilst some neighbouring buildings compete for attention and status our challenge was to create a home that didn't dominate the street and was imbedded in gardens. Life’s short, and the spaces you inhabit should bring you delight. The garden locates the house in its particular setting with a nod to its pre-colonial landscape. There is some interesting data regarding the emotional effects colour has on human mind. The Stewart Collective is a sustainable community of 70 homes neighbouring CERES. The considerable weight of brickwork always meets the ground, and is never elevated. MIDDLE IMAGE ABOVE THE PLAN - The design was a neighbourly gesture. A different space for a different household function. Rainwater is celebrated and detailed exquisitely, from the cleverly integrated box gutter over the bedroom wing to the custom designed tapered rain head tucked away at the rear of the kitchen. Landtec GEM™5000 Landfill Gas Analyzer. Our beloved green spaces — the lungs of the city - also face an uncertain future in many areas as land is sold and developed. The newly created environment is further revived by a coat of white paint, uplifting this previously dark space. Why?Tower House is the result of a vast number of concurrent discussions about issues far broader than the home itself. The Northern addition replaces an old timber deck that previously divided the two storeys and radically reduced sunlight to the living area on the lower level, making the space beneath damp, dark and disconnected from the rest of the house. Typically a dumping ground for bicycles, bags and bins, a narrow path leads from the front gate to the rear living space. This is a week-long workshop at the university campus. The utilitarian concrete and metal mesh provide the backdrop for substantial gardens on the east and west facade and elegant, simple graphics of the North and South facades. For example, someone could be quietly reading in the study, whilst another family member watches cartoons in the sitting space, and two others are discussing football at the dining table.