Many inferences to the behavioral patterns of goats have been drawn from the more abundant and detailed information available on the closely related genera of sheep, deer and antelopes. When to Wether. She hasn't rejected her kid, she's simply encouraging it to grow up. A goat needs a playmate he can rear up and butt heads with and that won't run away when he does it. wether behavior; wether care; wethered; wethered goat intact; wethers; Dec 22, 2020 #1 . And the "mischievous one," Mullie (8.5 years old) who is my reason for posting. The study of goat behavior, like so many aspects of the recorded knowledge of the genus Capra, is sketchy at best. The "nice one," Doc (9.5 years old) is basically perfect. Boers have mild temperaments, are affectionate, and require no milking, no special care and no shearing. For wethers, we like to make sure that ammonium chloride is added to their minerals, as an additional preventative for urinary stones. This can be very serious and even fatal. He's also trying to treat people like they are other goats. We currently use Southern States Top Choice Goat Mineral. We have 2 Nigerian dwarf wethers. This reinforces the goat's aggressive behavior. Dec 22, 2020 Montana. I have a couple of six-year-old wethers that will mount if the girls flirt with them excessively, but the only one that does it regularly is the one who was a breeding buck for a season before he was castrated. He can't be allowed to do this. Now they aretogether and the momma is so mean to the two Nigerians. No peeing on their faces (thankfully), but they definitely think they have balls when the girls are in heat! Kicking her kids away - When the doe decides that her kid should be eating more solid food and nursing less, she will discourage the kid from nursing, sometimes by kicking it away, running away, or even lying down on the ground. The study of goat behavior, like so many aspects of the recorded knowledge of the genus Capra, is sketchy at best. riorider New Member. Even my wethers (who were banded at 5 weeks and 8 weeks) act bucky when one of my does goes in heat. Are these goat behaviors normal? That being said, you can teach goats lots of tricks and commands and get an appropriate response. I am a new goat mom! I kept them separated for the first month. Hi I’m very new to goats and this summer bought two baby Nigerian Dwarf boys who are brothers. Especially the baby. 5. Researchers at the Queen Mary University of London once taught goats to solve a puzzle intended for primates with amazing results. Before you can recognize a sick goat, healthy goat characteristics should first be understood. Other Interesting Goat Behaviors Goat are extremely intelligent, and are also extremely motivated by food. They chase her around, mount her, and make the bucky noises. We copper bolus as needed. 5. They are Nigerians.Then we rescued a five yr large goat and her wether who is four months old. It's just an instinctive behavior for a nursing goat. With urinary calculi, the goat develops stones (like kidney stones in … I have two young wethers about 2months and four months old. Goats without good minerals will not thrive and are more prone to wormloads and illnesses. Gizmo may continue to mount when Destiny flirts with him, but the behavior will probably grow less over time. Healthy goat behavior is distinct from a sick goat’s. We got our pet goats about 7.5 years ago, from a shelter. Banding goats when they are younger seems to cause them less discomfort; however, banding them too early can lead to problems with urinary calculi. Many inferences to the behavioral patterns of goats have been drawn from the more abundant and detailed information available on the closely related genera of sheep, deer and antelopes. When he treats the pony like it's another goat, the pony doesn't know how to respond and becomes frightened.